VSG-->DS... overcoming concerns & foreign dr recommendations
I'm sorry that Ale had a bad experience with Dr. Ungson. However, he (or she) is the first person I've seen in 7 years to have had a bad experience with him, and he operates on many, many people who have posted on this and other forums. All three of the surgeons you have named have excellent reputations. This is major surgery, it does have real risks, and some people will have complications, including serious complications. This will happen even in the best of hands.
Thanks so much for your feedback and additional info. Sounds like I've have more reading ahead of me.
The good thing is I've given up feeling like a failure from the VSG and now realize the surgery failed me. I'm still down more than 150 lbs from my highest weight but that weight loss was prior to the sleeve.
I appreciate your time to respond.
Well, don't by any means, discount such a success as the weight lost on your own. The sleeve is pretty new as a stand-alone procedure, and will hopefully be taking the place of the constantly damaging band surgeries. WLS procedures, as you now know, are not one-size-fits-all. It may not be that the surgery failed you - but that you weren't best suited for this procedure.
It pains me to see people flocking to whatever seems the most convenient or less complicated instead of really taking into account their own bodies and weight history. By doing this for myself, I was able to easily determine that the DS was my solution, and I came to peace what will be required for me to remain healthy.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
I can highly recommend Dr Himpens in Belgium for 2 parters. He only does 2 part DSs and is used to getting through the scar tissue from your sleeve which will make your surgery a little more difficult. I had a text book recovery. I'm 6 months out and am very happy. BTW my surgery was lap and cost ~$16K (depends on exchange rate). I went to him direct, but somewhere like World Med Assist may be able to offer packages (collection from airport, hotel, etc).
Bugirl traveled to Belgium from the US for her one step DS so you may want to ask her about logistics (she had Dr Sonneville, but he was talking about possibly doing it open for me and I didn't want this).
Re fluid, I put a bottle of water in the bathroom and drink when I get up to use the toilet at night. By the time I'm out of the shower I've generally had 16oz water. I generally have 48oz of water a day and then I have lots of coffee and red bush tea in addition.
Re vites, get on the Vitalady program. They offer 90 day pre-packaged vites for DSers. You can then tweak after your first set of labs.
Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see www.DSfacts.com
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
He has an excellent system set up for this coming from the states , there is a gal here at the hospital who came sola from Seattle for her VSG, she and my DH are VSG twins, same PW, nearly same BMI and both LW. DS would have been too much surgery for them but should work perfectly with the VSG.
The hospital Almater is very clean and reminds me of the same feel as the hospital in Spain in Alcoy where i had my revision from band to DS fromDr. Baltasar. the hospital is private and older, but very well maintained with excellent patient care. in all actually, there is much better care here than in the US hospitals I have been to lately.
Jill - revision - band to DS 3/10/05 Dr. Baltasar, Spain
440/140/149 hw/cw/gw - 5'5" -300lbs -- bmi 73.2 to 24.8 :) GOAL MET 10/26/10!!.... Even made 140 September 2012. Been ranging 4-6lbs from 144-146 since then. Back to 140 December 2012, hoping to see it again after I feel better and start working out.
Thanks Valerie, Huneypie and Jill for your feedback and information.
Valerie - I had researched WLS for several years, knowing that the band and RNY weren’t right for me. Kaiser did not offer DS as an option at the time I chose my surgery, and even if they had I don’t think I would have chosen it once the sleeve became an option. At that time I believed the sleeve was the perfect choice for me. My situation changed quite drastically in the year after my surgery when I was suffered serious injuries in a multi-vehicle car accident. I have gained 60 lbs from my lowest and I have not gotten any answers/resolutions for the weight gain, exhaustion, depression, sleep issues, +++. I’m sure the myriad of issues from the traumatic brain injury and the many physical injuries which have left me unable to exercise most of the time have both contributed to the problem. Given my position presently, the DS seems like the best option now.
Prior to my sleeve, I took over 300 units of insulin daily, had problems with fatty liver, high triglycerides and hypertension – I am NOT prepared to go back to that.
Huneypie – Thanks for telling me about Dr Himpens. I’d not heard of him.
I would definitely prefer to do laparascopic if possible.
I do have family in the UK so he may be a possibility (I sure don’t fancy taking a long trans-Atlantic flight soon after surgery);
Jill – Thank you for your endorsement of Dr Aceves. I am leaning toward him but want to talk with people who have had DS/DS revisions with him.
Do you recommend Dr Baltasar? I thought he had retired but I just found his website and it appears to still be active.
I think if I was to travel to Spain, I would try to have a Spanish speaking friend with me.
I really appreciate you taking time to respond.