this wait is making me crazy :)
Paper work is at the insurance company now just waiting for them. I should be able to call them Friday to find out what they decided. Then the wait for the surgery in March/April :). As much as I would have loved to have my surgery next month the powers that be had different ideas Dr. G needed to have surgery and I was in the hospital last week with an infection which would have pushed my surgery back anyway :) so everything happens for a reason. Have a wonderful week everybody.
For all the waiting most of us have to endure for surgery it's only fair that the weight falls off so quickly like it does. Three months after surgery I had a completely different life. I was down 60 lbs and going to yoga classes. When I was waiting for surgery I just wanted to go to bed until my surgery date came. Waiting sucks! I'll cross my fingers for a speedy answer for you!
I know I am just really bad at waiting. But like I said the surgery being pushed back was for the best because of winding up in the hospital last week with an infection that would have pushed the surgery back anyway. I am hoping for a nice weight loss between March and July not a asking for a huge amount don't want to be greedy but we are heading for Disney for my daughters 6th birthday (surprise for her killing me not to tell her because she really wants to go) and now I have to pick where we are eating picking buffet places that have a nice assortment of things she will like I can eat and Hubby will eat. :). Was worried about flying down fitting in the seats but hubby sprung for 1st class so our daughter could have a really good experience and the seats are nicer:).
Same here. My paperwork is being submitted as we speak and I too am a patient of Dr G. I have no idea when my surgery may be scheduled due to his recovery so I too am just biding my time. Really can't wait to finally have more energy to not just go to work come home, sit and watch tv, go to sleep just to wake up the next day and do it all over again! I WANT TO LIVE!!!!!!!!! I'm only 47yrs old and I swear I feel almost twice that with all this extra weight on me. But I know good things come to those who wait so waiting it is.
Thats great at least everything will be in place when he is back to 100%. The only reason I know my surgery will probably be April is I was supposed to have the surgery next month and when he called in December he told me it would probably be in April could be sooner or a little later depending on his recovery. I know how you feel about the energy I always fall asleep between 7 & 8 and then can't fall asleep till late. I can't wait to have the surgery so I can have a "normal" life I'm only 41 and want to be around alot longer for my hubby and daughter. Like I said everything happens for a reason my surgery would have been delayed since I had the infection but everything should be fine by the time April comes around. :)