6 month labs
vit b 12 467 (211-911)
folate 4.90 (5.38)
iron 40 (37-170)
TIBC 386 (240-450)
iron % sat 10.4 (13-59)
HBG 11.9 **** 15.5)
HCT 35.4 (35-45)
potassium 3.5 (3.6-5.0)
lipase 57 (5-51)
TSH 0.399 (0.550-4.780)
zinc 0.43 (0.66-1.10)
vit A 13.0 (32.5-78.0)
all of my other lab were with in normal limits.
i am on an iron pill,2 vit A, 1 vit D, 2 multi vit,
any suggestions from the vets
vit b 12 467 (211-911)
folate 4.90 (5.38)
iron 40 (37-170)
TIBC 386 (240-450)
iron % sat 10.4 (13-59)
HBG 11.9 **** 15.5)
HCT 35.4 (35-45)
potassium 3.5 (3.6-5.0)
lipase 57 (5-51)
TSH 0.399 (0.550-4.780)
zinc 0.43 (0.66-1.10)
vit A 13.0 (32.5-78.0)
all of my other lab were with in normal limits.
i am on an iron pill,2 vit A, 1 vit D, 2 multi vit,
any suggestions from the vets
What were your other results? Just because they are 'within normal limits' doesn't mean that it is good for a DSer. What was your D? What was your Calcium? PTH? Ferritin? B1? B6?
Your B12 is way too low. As a DSer, you want that around 2000. You need to be taking a sublingual B12 every day. I take 2500mg sublingual B12 per day.
Your Vit A is too low. You should double that vit A. I hope that you are taking the Vitalady 25,000 unit dry A capsules. That is what you should be taking. Actually, your vite list is entirely inadequate and will put you in a world of hurt in no time at all. Are you taking the Vitalady/Biotech 50,000 unit dry D3? How about E and K? B vites? You need to add Zinc. That should be taken alone. You also need more potassium. You can ask your PCP for a potassium script or you can drink V8 every day. Lots of people are able to maintain their potassium levels with V8.
RNY to DS Revision 4/29/2011
Dr. Henry Buchwald
"Think twice.....Cut ONCE"
You need to have your calcium checked as well. Your PTH is on the high end and your Vit D is on the low end. Not good. Means that you are leaching calcium from your bones. You need to increase your DRY D3 and your CALCIUM CITRATE. I am concerned that you think you can get what you need, vitamin wise, from a pharmacy. Having to pay for vites after DS is non-negotiable and you should have known that. You are not taking enough supplementation for the surgery you chose to have. If you don't want to die a slow miserable death, you need to listen to the vets here (not me, but others) and get on the right regimen. Your body is still using up the stores it had from before your surgery. Soon they will run out and you will be in a world of hurt. If you are unfamiliar with what you should be taking, please visit this link https://vitalady.com/vitanews/pre-packaged-regimens/ and scroll down to the sample schedule. That is a good place to start.
RNY to DS Revision 4/29/2011
Dr. Henry Buchwald
"Think twice.....Cut ONCE"
Why do people feel the need to almost attack people when they are clearly seeking help? That really annoys me about this site, as if everyone becomes an expert fresh off of the operating table. Obviously she understands the importance of vitamins as a DS'er otherwise she would not have posted her labs and requested the advice of the vets.
Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see www.DSfacts.com
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
My guess is that she may understand the importance of vites, but is probably following the awful and destructive advice of her surgeon and nut. Unfortunately, most surgeons and nuts don't have any idea what DSers truly need and their egos are so big, they don't listen when we tell them what we do need.
I did help the OP. I directed her to Vitalady for a list of the vites that she should be taking. I hope that she will start on a better regimen than what she is currently on so that she can get stronger and stay healthy as she continues to lose weight.
RNY to DS Revision 4/29/2011
Dr. Henry Buchwald
"Think twice.....Cut ONCE"
My labs were similar when I was following Dr Elariny's 12 Vita4Life all in one plan. It took me about a year to bring up my vitamin A and a little longer to bring up my iron, but I had to switch to Vitalady's plan to do it. Dr Elariny gave me the green light to switch to Michelle's plan when I was 9 months post-op and frustrated. He had already told me to take her advice about vitamin D and then we just switched it all over to her.
The really nice thing is now the last 2 dietitians have followed Michelle's advice and they will suggest Vitalady's plan with tweaks to match the patient's labs. I go every six months and the dietitian and I discuss labs and new strategies to address any over and under range labs as well as my personal targets. I think "clpeltz" addressed the same things I would in your post, it's in your court now. I have a feeling if you were to go on her plan, in 6 months, your labs would be nice and pretty. : )
You may have had a chance to check Vitalady's plan and her lab targets but I'll share them again just in case.
http://www.gblcreations.com/Resources/Gina/ProgramDRNY_ERNY_ BPDDS3-2010.pdf
http://www.gblcreations.com/Resources/Gina/VitaLadysLabsandT argets_11-2009.doc
5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012
Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish?
Join us on the Lightweights Board!
DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny