Not sure what carbs are best to stay away from
I have gotten into the habit of eating whatever I want overall. Then I found this site and am learning a lot, people are really taking care of themselves and following the proper diet, with this surgery, for me it has been 8 years and I have become very relaxed. I started at 355 and am down to 225 but I would like to lose more. I have begun to eat better, but I am not sure what we should stay away from, I know fruits, and bread are not great, but what about a sandwich, do we never get one? It is hard to make changes when you have let yourself go. I have been looking at bite, vit and exercise and I can't even begin to understand the eating pattern there, I eat very differently. I could use some support and someone to talk to that could help. I am not sure what to do, about getting on track, and I know everyone is different, that is something this site has shown me. I guess I am wondering if there is hope for me yet or if this weight is where I will be staying after all these years. Anyway thanks for letting me vent my frustration. This is a great site and I do enjoy the information.
You can try PB bread if you really want bread wich-bread.html
Berries are low sugar fruit, so things like strawberries, blueberries and blackberries are OK (maybe not the easiest time of year to obtain them).
You should get hold of a copy of Atkins and have a read as that's a great plan for a DSer. You want high protein and low carb as much as poss.
Below are some good sites for low carb ideas: l-machiatto.html
Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
High protein (over 100 grams a day, at least), high fat (as much as your bowels will allow), low carb. Carbs, ideally, should come from low carb vegetables. Eat your protein first(at least 30 grams) with every meal, then eat your veggies. Stay away from bread, potatoes, rice, beans, corn, peas, and other starchy stuff to maximize weight loss. and of course, stay away from sugar. How often do you get labs? Can you post them? What is your vites regimen? Eating right, getting your labs done, and taking appropriate vites for your labs all go together.
Always have the lab send you a copy of your lab report, and enlist help in learning what good DS ranges are, and read your own labs! That's the best way to head off any deficiency issues, by adjusting your vitamin, mineral and protein intake according to your labs.
Your labs help you keep tabs on what you're doing right, and what can be improved upon. I look at it as a reward when I have great labs, and my most recent was the first time I had deficiencies all over the place - my fault, for not sticking with the playbook!
It's true, Atkins is the closest to the DS eating style.
I track all my labs on a spread sheet so I can see which way I am going even if they are all "within normal limits". I can almost guarantee you that your doctor is not comparing one set of labs to another, just looking at them and saying to self, "well they are all 'within normal limits'". DSers want most of our labs near the top end of "normal" with the exception of PTH, we want that low. You can have massive downward shifts and still be WNL. It can take a long time to fix a low value. You also can not fix what you do not know.
I asked about your labs because your surgeon has not adequately educated you about your nutritional needs(hence this thread), I figured you had not been educated on labs and vites. This is very typical of DS surgeons. They either give not enough info or the wrong info concerning food, labs, and vites. This is why we need to get hold of copies of our labs.
Try tracking on I only look at my protein, carbs and fat & not too seriously at my fat except to make sure I am getting at least 75+ grams a day. I am in the weightloss phase right now. I am 7 months post op and have lost 133 lbs and have 50 more to get to goal. I stay under 60 grams of carbs a day. I get 125-150 grams of protein. I try to get at least 100 oz of water in a day. I have to use a shake a day to get in that much protein. Good luck getting the rest off.