Vitamin D3 injection
Hi all, I am nearly 5 years post surgery, at a normal weight, taking my vitamins daily and living a healthy, active life. I struggled for years to keep my Vitamin D levels in the normal range-- I increased my dosage, increased the number of doses, spent plenty of time in the sun without sunscreen (I live near the equator- we have lots of sunshine and warm weather here!) but nothing helped. My physician finally suggested I try a Vitamin D3 injection-- 600,000 units- every 4-6 months. We are still playing with the exact timing (it looks like every 4.5 months will keep me in the normal range) but my levels have been great for a year now. I thought I would share this option just in case there is anyone else out there struggling with their D levels. The cost of the injection is not covered by my insurance but is not too bad- $200/injection-- and takes just a minute to administer- the peace of mind I have knowing I have all my labs in the normal range is worth it! If you too struggle please seek the advice of your physician regarding this option.
I will be forever grateful for my DS, and for the members of this site that encouraged me to consider the DS as an option, then fight my insurance for approval. I am indeed, Blessed and Grateful!
Thanks for sharing.
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If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
I have been getting VD3 injections for some over a year. I take 500,000 every 3 months. the VD3 is compounded for me, and it is covered per my insurance co. it is like any other insurance RX. call your insurance co, I know i had to go to a different pharmacy as one pharmacy used a different distributor of the VD3 used to make the injection, and that itself was not covered. on another note, I went to see a VD specialist at Boston Medical, Dr Michael Holick and he told me that VD3 injections are not FDA approved, they actually don't work since they sit on the muscle and don't get absorbed. I do have to admit, I never stopped taking my oral
VD3 from I have decided to increase my oral and abandon my injections.....something to think about.