i take welbutrin, zoloft and xanax no weight gain here.
First annual DS cruise is in the books. Dark Side Cruise Redux: July 15,2012.
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Cymbalta for me. It was prescribed for fibromyalgia pain, before the FDA approved it for that use, so it was off -label. The nice side effect is that I don't get constantly snockered by depression , and I'm prone to depression. It does happen at times like now, the holiday season, but I'm just saying I don't get depressed for no reason anymore. Same dose post-op as pre-op, 60 mg daily is the maximum. My surgeon said I did not need to switch to a different med, because Cymbalta is not time/extended release. In addition. I take Lyrica, 150 mg twice daily.
Duodenal Switch 5/31/2006 Dr. Marchesini, Curitiba, Brazil
Highest/Starting weight: 328. Lowest weight: 159 Current weight: 167. I'm coming back down!
Plastic Surgery 5/31/2010 Dr. Sauceda, Monterrey, Mexico: LBL/BL/BA/Inner Thigh Lift, Arm Lift
If you haven't already, get in to see a psychiatrist to be evaluated. They can point you in the right direction based on your symptoms. I have been struggling with depression since 2005 (before any WLS) and have made several changes along the way. I am currently on prozac and that is working well. Everyone is different and it is really trial and error to find what is going to work for you...which is the reason for getting in the care of a psychiatrist.
RNY to DS Revision 4/29/2011
Dr. Henry Buchwald
"Think twice.....Cut ONCE"