I passed my psych eval!
I had a _huge_ amount of anxiety surrounding mine, since I do have psychiatric issues, and the psychological evaluator could have really derailed my dream of a DS if he would not have let me pass. It was a HUGE relief that he told me at the appointment that he approved me, and I asked for copies of his report for myself, and he agreed, but then I kept waiting every single day hoping for it in the mail, and he forgot about it. It was on my mind a lot, but I didn't know at what point it was okay to contact him and remind him I wanted my own copy. Around a month later I contacted him again, and then he did send it to me. I didn't use my own treatment provider for the evaluation. My surgeon's group practice required that Medicare patients have the MMPI test done as part of the eval., and my psychiatrist (who does my meds and talk therapy) doesn't do that test.