Please comment on my lap band doc email regarding DS

on 1/7/12 2:53 pm
Thank you for your response it is greatly appreciated.  I could be wrong but I think the surgeon was stating the total number of DS done not in one year but over his career.  When you use the word tool it makes me want to cry.  As every time I went into my surgeons office and he put yet again more fluid 10 cc currently and he even removed some and added it again and replaced the port I was told the band is not failing it is a tool I needed to learn to work with.  Which made me feel like an incredible failure as he had other Pt's which are successful with the band.  I never felt restriction.  I am a nurse and I can handle following my labs and taking vitamins and supplement and protein for the rest of my life for the exchange of being a thinner version of myself. 
The thoughts of yet again another tool failing me just sickens me.  I recently was in training and a few large individuals were having luck on a diet with the use of pills.  I found myself running off to the doc in my area spending large sums of money on another cure to get me on the right track.  The pills did not work and when I returned to the doc and stated they did not work and paid to get the other strength I expected a different out come. Well one week later I returned to the doctor with pills in hand and asked for a persciption thinking if I purchased the pills from Walgreen's they would be better/stronger.  I then had to turn the pills over to the MD he gave  me or rather I should say I paid for as he stated he had to destroy them because he was audited and then I had to listen to a speech basically stating he was not sure if I was a drug seeker...............all of this was said in front of my 10 year old.  When we left even she thought it was over kill but I explained I was a stranger to this doctor.  So I then went to Walgreen's with my new 30 day script and asked for a partial fill for one week because I did not want to waste my money or script on the wrong manufacture.  I had  researched all over the web from individuals who claimed certain manufactures had a stronger response and even went as far as researching the added ingredients absorption rate and break down of the medication prior to me going into the doctors office.  I then returned to the Walgreen's and asked the pharmacist to fill the remainder of the script with another manufacture which again did not well.  I now have a month supply of diet pills from Walgreen's with 3 pills taken from the first manufacture and  2 from the lst bottle of pills I filled from Walgreen's and almost 30 day supply from the MD second visit all are a total waste in addition to all the money I spend on seeing the doc..  In addition I received B12 injections and I lost a total of 3 pounds only to gain it back..  After this ordeal I said to myself I can not believe I am back on the merry go round from years ago of what next wt loss gimmick was going to help me and I was going to stop the insanity. 
I then researched RNY revision and some how I found myself researching the DS and I felt like I had an aha moment  it seems like a life time cure to my long term problem......................... please respond if you agree or disagree?

Thank you for taking the time
on 1/7/12 11:31 pm
Who is this surgeon ??
on 1/8/12 5:44 am
I do not want to discredit any one so I will respond to you in a private  message.  My surgeon I was planning on using for the DS  is DR U in Mexico and I get a good feeling about him on here as well as from his emails .
Thank you again for responding.
on 1/8/12 5:55 am

Well I am trying to reply to your personal message box however when I click on your box it does not bring up and option to send you a message.  I am new at this forum so it could be me so please excuse the fact it probably the person rather then this site. 
He is very well known.  He was listed in the Phx AZ top doc magazine.  I think his intentions are good however I am simply exhausted. 

He even sent me an offer today to unfill me and give me 3 months of fu free to get me back to where I am however it does not equate.  I had 18 months of free fu and only gave up towards the end maybe the last 3 months.  I have been filled unfilled and a port replaced.  I have 10 cc and never felt restriction.  The most he ever insert at one time was 1cc so 3 moths would not get me to where I am............

More importantly I can not bear the thoughts of spending the next several months doing the same thing I did the last 2 years.  Taking time off of work diligently going in for a fill thinking this one fill will be the answer and I will finally feel restriction.  Getting your hopes up only to fail once again has been exhausting and I am tired of being on the merry go round of diets and quick fixes to being fat.  I want a life time fix and I think the ds is it.  I am willing to commit to the fu.

If you send me a private email I will state the surgeon name.

Thank you for taking the time out to respond as it is much appreciated. 

on 1/8/12 4:26 am
     Try to wipe your mental slate clean of everything you have experienced with WLS thus far.  Forget the shame of "failing" with a tool.  The tool failed, you did not. 

     If the DS is a tool, it is one which, for me at least, does all the work on its own.  I feel completely normal, not like somebody who has had his metabolism surgically improved.  I have no physical sense that there is anything unusual inside me.  

     I eat pretty much what I want, providing I get my protein in for each day.  And that is easy.  For example, a typical breakfast is eggs mixed with cheese and sauteed steak strips, onions and mushrooms.  And maybe an orange or pear, and, of course, coffee.  Not exactly a hardship.  It's not as much food as it sounds, but it has a third of my protein for the day, is delicious, and leaves me quite satisfied for many, many hours.
And thanks to the DS, which leaves the stomach operating normally, unlike the bypass, I can drink the coffee during the meal.

     The "work," such as it is, is in keeping mental track of my protein and taking my calcium and vitamin supplements, which is pretty easy.  I chew my tasty calcium tablets wherever I might be, and down my vitamin supplement pills a couple of times daily.  I get my labs done twice a year, of which my part is to sit down for a simple blood test that takes about ninety seconds.  I have had a complete bone scan done and will not have to do another for quite some time.  It is simple, routine health maintainance, and much less than I had to do when I suffered from the now-vanished co-morbidities of being at twice a normal weight.

     No foods bother me and I have normal bathroom habits.  I get exercise now because I have a normal-sized body and it is easy and even fun to be active.  That is the DS life for me.  So don't get too hung up on the word "tool."  My surgeon activated the tool; I just get to live with the wonderful results and do a bit of maintainance.

     You seem to have been scarred by your experience dealing with medical "professionals" who view surgery as an assembly line situation, a mission to line their own wallets rather than help patients live their lives to the fullest and healthiest.  Personally, my view of banding is that it is only of use for people who have so little weight to lose that they might be better off with diet and exercise.  I hate that doctors are foisting it on unsuspecting people who are seeking a true solution to being morbidly obese.

     With that in mind, see article in today''s New York Times about banding:

     My first interest in WLS was the band, because I had never had surgery before and it seemed the easiest, least invasive procedure.  Then I met people who had the band and I was appalled by their experiences and post-op lives.  So I moved to the gastric bypass.  Same thing happened.  Then I discovered the DS on the other forum.  So I fired my non-DS-doing surgeon and hired one who did all the surgeries, based on an individual's needs and wants.  That's how I came to the DS.  It saved my life physically and improved it in countless ways.  For me, there has been absolutely no downside.  This "tool" does the work and I enjoy the benefits.  I hope you can find a way to have the same experience.


on 1/8/12 5:28 am
I can not thank you enough for taking the time to respond.  It is true I feel  like a fool I bought the whole lap band notion as a cure.  The fact I am a nurse I thought I made an educated decision of course I was not experienced in this area.  My background is ICU and recovery.  I have even told my DS surgeon a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.  However he is incredible and has answered to many emails to count.  If I was him I would probably run but he has the incredible patience of answering every one and still be encouraging.  My lap band doc today sent me an email  offering to unfill my band and give me 3 months of free fills to get me back to where I am...........  Which does not equate as I have 10 cc and each visit I received 1 cc fluid at a maximum at any give appointment.  My fu was free for 18 months and I do not think I gave up until the last 2 or 3 months as I was diligent if I got a good fill I would feel restricted but it never happened for me.  The fact my lap band surgeon is taking time out of his Sunday I do think he is sincere and means well. 

I was so glad to be off of the Merry Go Round of diets after lap band when it failed and thank you for pointing that out as I am constantly corrected it is not the band which failed me.  So the only other option is I am the failure.  I do not think over wt individuals need that to be pointed out as we are much harder on our selves then any one else could be.  After my ordeal with attempting to do pills again to fix a problem it did not fix in the first place I gave up and decided I would research another method. My poor 10 year old is so tired of me thinking about one more thing  regarding wt loss I am fearful I will have a long lasting effect on her and not a positive one.  I ultimately told her my thoughts were if you had a problem it is better to try and  fail and then to fail to try (which I think came from a fortune cookie hee hee).  We had a discussion that just because the past choices did not work I had to keep trying to fix the problem I hope that the message she takes away from the situation and I do not cause an eating behavior in her.  We all were skinny as kids and then grow up hit our 40's and grow and grow and grow.  My mother was always on a diet and I think she effected both my sister and I in not a good way. 

Personally I feel like I am one of few fat people in AZ.  Obviously logically I know that is not possible as obesity is a mass problem in America.  I am tired, I want a life time fix which I could work with and follow up I can commit to.  I received an alarming message from some one who shared about a person who did not do their fu labs & over time the person lost both his legs which scares the heck out of me.  I thought it was a good message for me to remember.

I feel like you made the right choice the first time around and I hope I am soon to follow. 
Sincerely thank you for responding your message hit home

on 1/7/12 1:45 pm - AL
I call Bull ****

I was a lightweight who needed to lose less than 100 lbs.  I wound up losing 120 and regaining about 10.

The DS was the right choice for me.  I am a BAD dieter.  I eat the wrong foods sometimes.

But I have never had a problem getting my protein or my vites.

I am lactose intolerant and gluten intolerant.  I just ate some pretzels and I am already swollen up like a baloon.  I knew it would happen.  Bad choice on my part.

He's lying to you about a lot of things.


on 1/7/12 2:54 pm
We sound like twins I eat a lot of thing I should not. 
Thank you for responding. 
on 1/7/12 10:34 pm
I am not surprised about the response you recieved.  I am a band to ds revision, had the lap band for almost 10 years, I am unusal and lost about 200 lbs, 336lbs to 127lbs.  Due to severe irreversible damage the band had to be removed.  my lap band dr HATES the DS, reasons your dr also posted and others, I think a lot is ignorance....but with DS there is a lot of complicance necessary for the patient, you can't go without blood work etc.  for me I have NEVER had diarrhea, very rarely do I have more than 2 BMs in the am, if i eat off my plan,and i know,  then that changes.  I have never had oil slicks etc.  the DS is sooooooo much easier and a much better quality of life than the lap band for me.  I have never had a problem eating, the last 2 years with the band were and obsolute nightmare, but i did have the band for a long time.  i can eat, i can drink, even cold drinks!!!   i concentrate on protein first, eat low carb, i actually weigh more with the DS than i did with the band.  I weighed 127 now i weigh about 134.  I am a year out from the revision, best think i ever did.  my lap band dr was watching me a few monhts post DS, but in Nov. he told me he could no longer take care of me, since he doesn't understand the lab work, nor how to treat the potential deficencies, I think that was a cop out.  he did tell me something very very interesting...that when he goes to conferences that the most talked about and hailed as the "best" MO surgery is the DS.  must be hard for him since he is a RNY and lap band dr.  please contact me if you need some more info.  the life i lived with the lap band was essentially a nightmare, the first 5 years were easy, but once the damage set in there was nothing that could be done to fix it.  I had to fly to get my DS revision, the best think i ever did.......
on 1/8/12 4:59 am
Thank you for responding I appreciate it you were in my shoes except I am not having problems with my band and I only lost 16 pounds.  I appreciate your response as it makes feel better.
I live in AZ so I Will fly to Mexico to have Dr U do my procedure but then he does free fu except for the cost of the labs for one year since my ins does not cover it I think it would be cheaper and a nice mini vacation to drive up for the weekend and hang out.  I do have a doc here if I need to have my labs drawn and then I can send the results to Dr U.  Again thanks you Donna
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