I can see clearly now, the rain has gone

on 12/13/11 3:48 am - Triad, NC
Yep!  They discharged me last night!  Woohoo!
Sher Bear Mama
on 12/13/11 4:31 am
 Yay!  What are you taking in besides liquids (like water)?
Sher--the bear mama

on 12/13/11 5:31 am - Triad, NC
I have these little 2oz condiment cups that I fill with Premiere ready to drink protein shakes.  I sip on one of those for about 30 minutes, and sip water in between and afterwards.  I just finished a sugar free popsicle, but I think I ate it too fast.  My stomach is really talking and doesn't seem too happy.  Maybe I should wait on the cold stuff.

How about you?  I'll be on a liquid diet for 3 weeks, then soft foods for 2 more months.
Sher Bear Mama
on 12/13/11 9:33 am
 I'm not required to be on the liquid for any specific amount of time. When I came home the doctor said to stay on soft pured foods (baby food-like consistency like yogurt, apple sauce, cream of wheat, cottage cheese, oatmeal, etc.). When I see him next week I'm pretty sure he'll give the go ahead for something more solid like eggs but I"m not sure.  For now though, I seriously only eat apple sauce (like 2 tablespoons 3 times a day) and I tried a teaspoon or two of yogurt today to see how it sits. Today I haven't had any Zofran (anti nausea) and I'm feeling pretty good.  But I woke up with some gas and a good bowel movement.  This seems to be my new morning pattern.  

I'll find out more about what he expects me to eat when I see the doc for the post op.  

How are you today?
Sher--the bear mama

on 12/13/11 11:06 am
 I'm glad to hear you're doing better. When you're up to talk, call me. Hugs!
 "Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius." Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"What your heart thinks is great, is great. The soul's emphasis is always right." Ralph Waldo Emerson    
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