Home but not well

Sher Bear Mama
on 12/10/11 6:40 am
I can't promis that I'll be back on OH any time soon but I feel I MUST check in with the vets.  I had my DS on the 5th. All went well.  I ended up feeling fine at the hospital--no nausea, feeling great (even without the pain pump).  Then on day 4 I begged the dr's resident to release me since i was farting, eating soft foods (cream of wheat) drinking well, and walking well.  Then I had the 2 hour drive home.  WhenI got there I ran to the toilet,threw up some bile.  Layed down,started drinking water (sips) started walking.  I'm doing everhythingI should. The doc is calling nonstop to make sure I"m ok. BUt I am just not hungry.  I have a little gas pain, one two stools (yesterday) very little gas, but the gas pain is pretty uncomfortable.  So, I sip,andI walk and repeat.  I am eating just a tablespoon of applesauce at a time and that's pretty tough for me.  

I get the shakes (cold and then hot) but I don't have fever.  ALso, the doc said to drink something with a little sugar like juice so that i get a little calories in there since I'm not eating.  Can anyone here recomend something that i"m not doing here for the pain and for the gas and for eating?  I don't want the cream of wheat and I'm good with the apple sauce but it seems so insignificant.  I'm taking zofran (because I keep dry heaving but not losing ANY fluids), and I'm taking some antianxiety drugs along with my Prozac because emotionally I"m a wreck.  I'm keeping hydrated and movingbut I feel like a failure here.  I'm only a few days out but I just feel like I'm doing so very badly.  There is no pain from the stitches though and I am not taking any pain pills since the pains all seem to be from gas.

I'm in constant contact with the doctor (who would be happy if i wanted to come back in for observation ) so i'm not worried about my health. I'm just uncomfortable and nauseus.

Sher--the bear mama

on 12/10/11 6:57 am - Somerset, KY
Make sure you're hydrated. Also, are you taking something like zantac or omeprazole. That usually makes a difference. But the big thing is hydration. I don't care if ALL you get in is water these next few days. Calories are NOT improtant right now. Hydration is the number one concern!!! Don't push the food, that'll come soon enough.

I'm sure someone wiser then me will chime in but it's slower on the weekends and these are a few of the things I recommend. Good luck sweetie! Don't forget to walk!



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



on 12/10/11 6:59 am - bay area, CA
It would probably be a good idea to let the doc have a look at you, just to play it safe. But not being hungry is pretty normal, and some nausea isn't uncommon either.
     You are absolutely NOT a failure! Many of us had a tough recovery, and even with lots of education pre-op, which you did, it's difficult to comprehend just what the misery of the first few weeks will be like. Some people have it easier than others, some of us have a tough time.
     So keep on doing well with the fluids and walking, get it a bite or two of something soft if you can - does your doc allow cottage cheese? jello? soft boiled or scrambled egg? Maybe a saltine cracker to see if it will help settle your stomach? Don't worry if this stuff seems insignificant, you have lots of protein (and fat!) stores to carry you through for a few weeks. I ate next to nothing for the first 2 weeks myself, like 1 bite of egg at a time was a meal.
     Gas pain also sounds pretty normal, I just urge caution because serious complications like a leak sometimes don't show up right away. But I'm sure Dr. B knows this.

Hang in there, it WILL get better!


PS I couldn't even stand jello. And a PPI along with the zofran might help also. You can get Omeprazole otc these days and give it a try. Couldn't hurt.
Sher Bear Mama
on 12/10/11 8:55 am
 Larra, Since i'm almost 2 hours from the hospital he's reluctant to tell me to just come on in.  The drive home took a lot out of me.  Since I'm drinking lots he's happy.  MY pee is a good pale color. HE's definitely thinking about leakages etc. but I have no fever (thank god) so we're all hoping this is par for the course.  What's a PPI?  Like an acid reducer like Pepcid?  It took one this morning and one just now--hoping it'll help since the hospital gave them to me as through the IV.  Also what's Omeprazole?  I think what's bothering me most is that i get nausius every so often and it's not like i throw up but once in a while i start heaving and it's god awful.  I don't know what the hell I expected.  But I guess that since i was doing so well in the hospital I thought it would be the same at home.  The doc changed my prozac to liquid to help with absorption and maybe give me some help plus he upped the dose a little.  The zofran may or may not be working--but I'm too chicken to not take it.  

Seriously, I just can't seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm incredibly emotional right now.  
Sher--the bear mama

on 12/10/11 9:37 am
 Omeprazole is the generic name for Prilosec.  It's  PPI - proton pump inhibitor - it blocks the production of acid in the stomach.  It's probably a good idea for you.  Ask your doctor.  Lots of folks around here take it after surgery,  and some (like me) stay on it forever.  It might help with your discomfort and nausea.
Sher Bear Mama
on 12/10/11 9:53 am
 I'll email my doctor about the PPI.  I think I if could get past that feeling I'd be so much better.  THAT, and the fact that I'm just not gassy yet--I had one good bowel movement yesterday afternoon, then one small one a bit later that day.  Then today--nothing.  I'm barely gassy as far as farting is concerned.  I have lots of gutteral sounds but I'm not too bloated and I'm not passing much.  When I passed it yesterday, good lord it was something straight out of a horor movie (the smell).  But not today--not enough coming out to smell.
Sher--the bear mama

Sher Bear Mama
on 12/10/11 9:56 am
Oh and lots of burping.
Sher--the bear mama

on 12/10/11 10:53 am - Omaha, NE
I'm at 8 weeks now.  When I get that 'burning' feeling in my stomach, I have a saltine cracker.  It seems to help.  If I just ignore it, I generally throw up the bile.    It'll get better.  It used to be daily for me, but now it's maybe once/week.  

Try to drink as often as you can as well.

5' 10"    HW= 327   SW=319 lbs        CW=200  (lowest was 180)    GW=170

No regrets with my DS!!!  

Open DS with Dr. Anthone  - October 14, 2011
Ventral Hernia repair/panniculectomy/hysterectomy - Nov 2012; 
Bowel Blockage due to hysterectomy and adhesions - Feb 2013;
Ventral Hernia repair with mesh - Dec 2013


Sher Bear Mama
on 12/10/11 11:11 am
 Gonna have to ask the surgeon about eating something like a saltine so early out (5 days).  But if he says yes, I'm all for it.  I know it disolves in your mouth before you ever swallow it.
Sher--the bear mama

on 12/10/11 10:02 pm
I used to count out a serving of oyster crackers (I want to say there were 17 crackers for 11 carbs in one serving) and I would suck on them throughout the day.  I had these early as soon as I was released from the hospital but my surgeon didn't have huge restrictions... as long as you could mush the food, it was fine.  

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