Almost 8 weeks post op depression.....

(deactivated member)
on 12/6/11 8:34 am - ewing, NJ
Almost 8 weeks post op and feeling a lil depressed. I have lost a total of 35lbs since surgery the scale hasn't moved in 2 weeks I know its sometimes a slower weight loss with revision patients. I am feeling like I did with the lap band. A lot of what if I fail and I don't loose anymore weight.......I'm also finding myself more these past 2 weeks.....are these feelings normal? Should I seek psychological help??? Any info will be appreciated
(deactivated member)
on 12/6/11 8:51 am - PA
I'm still a pre-op, so I'm not able to offer any advice, but wanted to give you some well wishes and offter a big hug. 

(deactivated member)
on 12/6/11 8:58 am - ewing, NJ
honeybadger 11
on 12/6/11 9:10 am - FL
I think its sometimes common the second month to not lose much. Its like your body catches you with what is going on:) But it doesnt stay long and you will start loosing again. Im no where near a vet BUT i know they will tell you STAY OFF THE SCALE!

And yes counseling is always a good idea. I already have a psych because i KNOW im going to be going thru crazy changes mentally and physically and im gonna need the extra support:)


Revision to DS 11/9/11                                  LapBand 12/2006
SW  321/ CW 248/ GW 185                           SW 330/ HW 348/ LW 300
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on 12/6/11 9:19 am
Its very common to be at a plateau.  Mine happened about three weeks out.  I am 8 weeks out today.  I had a little depression earlier, but it is gone.  I think my depression was due to lack of activity for so long.  I was never depressed about the slow down of losing weight, because I had read how common it was.

Check and make sure you aren't slipping in carbs to make sure that isn't why you aren't losing?  If you are eating what you are supposed to, then don't worry about it.  The DS does not fail!

As far as psych help, I can't make that determination for you.  It passed for me, but I also knew in my mind that it was temporary due to the big change in my lifestyle early on. 

Best wishes!
Elizabeth N.
on 12/6/11 9:29 am - Burlington County, NJ
If you're feeling depressed, yes, seek help. If you're just bummed out about not losing "enough" weight, you need to adjust your expectations. Let's see, 35 pounds in 8 weeks? That would be 4.4 pounds per week and is in no way "slow."

Stay off the scale for at least a month. Better yet, throw the damned thing away and only weigh at the doctor's office and/or gym.

(deactivated member)
on 12/6/11 9:36 am - ewing, NJ
Your right Elizabeth I never looked at like that!! Thanks ladies.......I am going throw the scale away!!!!
on 12/7/11 12:12 am - bay area, CA
If you are really feeling depressed, get help, and get it now. There is no shame in seeking help for what is a medical problem, and no reason for you to suffer needlessly when treatment is available and effective. Depression also interferes with weight loss, yet another reason to seek help.
      Now, if you're just concerned about a stall - stalls happen. To everyone. Stalls also end. Hang in there, you WILL lose more weight.

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