Liquid protein?

on 12/5/11 9:44 am
 Has anyone ever tried liquid protein?  I am wondering how it would fare in a hot drink?
on 12/5/11 10:42 am
 Oh wow I didn't know there was pure liquid protein.

I'm assuming you don't mean clear protein drinks like Isopure. I looove that stuff.
I'm following this thread for some suggestions :D
on 12/5/11 11:23 am - Hobart, Australia

I was so excited about the idea of possibly not having to choke down another protein shake I googled liquid protein... here's just a few of the websites: -739.html ndex.shtml#suppfacts_tab rticle&id=47&Itemid=1

I have to wonder though if they are any good or if they even work for us because surely all the DS'ers would be using them instread of Whey Protein shakes from hell.  I'll keep my fingers crossed that someone says "yeah you can use them".  Actually I'm crossing just about every part of my body. 

Off to do more research.

on 12/5/11 12:41 pm, edited 12/5/11 12:49 pm - Hobart, Australia
Well funnily enough the University of Chicago say they're a big thumbs up for DS patients (, even Isopure.  From what I've been reading they taste pretty foul but for me downing one shot of these babies compared to the whey powder would be a relief.  

I have some Nectar protein samples coming from Vitalady hopefully soon, which I'm told are thinner and not so bilious, so I'll give them a go before turning to the liquid protein options.  I need to do something and soon, by the time I've managed all my fluids for the day and my vitamins, I can barely get 30g of protein in and I know it's not enough.

I'm hoping someone like EN will read this post and chime in with their wisdom.  I also did a search on this site and all I seem to get are ads for liquid protein and comments that it tastes hideous but nothing on if it actually is absorbed by DS'ers ok.  I could also really suck at searching on this site and may be missing the one crucial post *lol*
(deactivated member)
on 12/5/11 9:01 pm - Woodbridge, VA
Here's the issue with the protein "shots" as most of us understand it. Read the ingredients: almost every single one of them contains COLLAGEN protein. Even if the label on the front says whey, it's not usually the first type of protein listed (and since ingredients are listed in order of amount, these contain more collagen protein than whey). Collagenic protein is not a complete form of protein, so it's likely to not be absorbed or useful (really to anyone, let alone someone who already malabsorbs some protein). So, os the 45g of protein boasted on the label, you'll likely benefit from maybe half of that (though there's really no way of knowing how many grams are whey versus collagen).

Now, there are a handful of folks who still think these things work because adding the complete protein (whey) provides the amino acids required to make the collagen protein "complete." I've personally never been a gambler and am not about to gamble with my protein levels for the sake of some nasty little "shots," so I just stick with tried and true whey isolate  :)
on 12/6/11 12:14 am - Naples, FL
About 30 years ago when I was 18, I used liquid protein to lose weight. It was worse than big hairy rat balls (thank you Elizabeth, this has now become a standard on the DS board) but it worked. Hold your nose and suck it down. It was, at that time, only a tbs or two and it smelled awful too. But it is easier than protein shakes, which are yucky. I managed to find the brand I used to use and it looks like it is  a blend of collagen and whey protein so I am not sure if this would work for us,darn it.  Here is the link if anyone wants to check it out: p/B0016BCIFC/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1323187903&sr=8-4
  All the vets have moved to a site where there is no censorship and no biased, unfair moderation. If you want ACCURATE information, join us here:
on 12/6/11 2:49 am - Oak Ridge, TN
My surgeons office sells liquid protein in a few different flavors and let me tell you, I can't even think about drinking it without getting sick to my stomach. It is the most vile, horrible tasting liquid that has ever passed my lips. I mixed it into every drink you could think of, and you can still taste the nastiness. I'm sure there are other brands, but his offices brand, ewww no thank you. Not ever again!!

 ~Kelly ~   
SW 364/CW 164/GW 150             


on 12/6/11 10:41 am ein-Bullets/action,replies/topic_id,3458044/page,1/

I found this post while googling the differences between the two proteins.  Lots of discussion.  The end result, from what I read above and from what I read in various google results, is that whey protein is best, and NOT the collagen protein.

It looks like Isopure is a good option for liquid protein.  It comes in fruity flavors and isn't cheap.  There doesn not seem to be a concentrated product.

So much for finding something to add in a hot cup of coffee!

Thanks for everyone's responses.  I learned a lot about protein!
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