Lightheaded, dizzy, knees-buckled...

on 12/4/11 6:49 am - TX
 My husband was in the shower a few minutes ago and called out that he felt weird and was light-headed, and asked me to grab his glucometer. A few second later, his knees bucked and he fell and hit his head. He did not lose consiousness. I dried a finger and checked his sugar, and it was 123. 

He said he felt weird for a few more minutes, and then it passed. Now he is laying in bed and says he just feels really tired. 

Can anyone help us with what "might" be the issue?

Prior to the surgery he was on Metformin, Lantus, and Humalog and his sugars were never lower than 180. Since the surgery, they have been consistantly in the lower 120's. He has eaten today:

1/2 chicken nugget
taco salad from taco bell (Only beans, meat, cheese, and sour cream...about 2/3 of bowl)
some nuts
about 8 slices of bacon

He has drank 58oz so far today.

He went hunting last night and only ate 4 slices of cheese and a baggie of nuts. I am fixing him a proetin shake now. 

on 12/4/11 6:57 am
Heather, he isn't use to the lower numbers is all it is...123 is still a bit high.

I was told that your blood sugar is like riding in a car. If you are always in town and the speed limit never goes about 35, it feels normal. However if you have been out on the interstate going 75 and then suddenly go into town, 35 will feel very slow. It's not slow, it just feels that way.

Until he gets use to the lower numbers, he will have episodes like this but they will get fewer and fewer.

His blood pressure could also be going low so if he is on any BP meds...get him checked to have those adjusted as well.


Duodenal Switch (Lap) 01-24-11 | Surgeon: Stephen Boyce | High weight: 250 in 2002 | Surgery weight: 203 | Lowest weight: 121 | Current weight: 135 | Goal weight: 135


Emily F.
on 12/4/11 7:20 am
How about call a doctor.
on 12/4/11 7:34 am - TX
On December 4, 2011 at 3:20 PM Pacific Time, Emily F. wrote:
How about call a doctor.
If he hadn't gotten better I would have. After his shake he feels fine. It was just odd.  I will call them tomorrow, during business hours.
Elizabeth N.
on 12/4/11 10:28 am - Burlington County, NJ
It's time for you to knock off the self diagnosing and the assuming that everyone here will have answers to this stuff and start using your doc more.

on 12/4/11 7:51 am
I'm curious whether this happened just after bending over or sitting up? My husband has orthostatic hypotension, which is brief drop in blood pressure related to a postural change that can cause weakness, numbness, dizziness, etc. He has to ensure he has adequate fluids, salt and exercise regularly and the episodes are fewer. There are also tricks like clentching your abdominal muscles before bending over to avoid an episode, etc. I've heard of several cases of this post WLS, especially if the person is still taking blood pressure meds that may be too much or no longer necessary.

Check out this general info and if it sounds like what happened he should talk to his doc. Hope he's feeling better!
on 12/4/11 8:02 am - Hobart, Australia
Firstly, you certainly need to get him to the doc, for sugar, blood pressure, hydration checks etc.

Secondly, how on earth does he get that much food into him?  I have half a slice of bacon and I'm done for... I'm so jealous.

Thirdly, hunting while recovering from a DS?  Really?  Combined with the blood sugar issues I hope whoever he is with is wearing full body armour
* Gail R *
on 12/4/11 8:12 am - SF Bay Area, CA
My blood pressure dropped really fast after surgery. -like 105 over 59! I had lost of dizzy episodes. Unfortunately my BP is slowly climbing back to unhealthy levels. I will probably always need to monitor it, along with my blood sugar which never stayed at normal levels.

~Gail R~  high wt.288,  surg wt 274, LW 143, CW 153,  GW164

(deactivated member)
on 12/4/11 8:32 am
on 12/4/11 9:18 am - Oak Ridge, TN
I went out dancing one night and got really hot, and I passed out right in the middle of everyone. Went to the ER and they did tests and everything came back normal. I stood up for 5 hrs straight in line at a concert a few weeks ago, and again got too hot, and passed out. Once I ge****er I feel 100% fine. It's just when I get hot. Right after surgery I couldn't take a shower without having help because everytime I would get warm, I'd nearly faint. I don't get that way during showers anymore, but definitely in other situations. My sugar has always been fine. The Dr just says I get too hot and my body goes into shut down mode.

 ~Kelly ~   
SW 364/CW 164/GW 150             


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