
on 12/4/11 12:35 pm, edited 12/4/11 1:27 pm - Provo, UT
My biggest fear is complications. They can be pretty grisly, even fatal. Leaks and such are not a little thing! But, I know that this surgery is my only true hope for improved health and a normal life, so what else can I do?

I trust my surgeon. He is conservative by nature, and he is an experienced DS surgeon. He told me, however, that I am at higher risk for complications, due to my previous surgeries. Nonetheless, I gave my fully informed consent.

I trust the vets on this website. They are not only supportive, but they call it like it is. I can detect the truth in their descriptions, and encouragement, and kicks in the pants. Without having found this website, I would be much more afraid of what I am going to do. I appreciate Joanne B. for agreeing to be my Angel. It helps my confidence, to know she is in my corner.

I am ready to walk in there next Wednesday and have my insides thoroughly "sliced and diced," and to take what ever happens. Even if I am one of the people who suffer from painful complications for a long long time. Even if I am the 1 in 1,000 who dies. A normal recovery doesn't bother me in the least, compared to these possiblities.  

That attitude is what is saving me, I think, from a really bad case of nerves. I am willing to accept it all, no matter how bad it gets; because I hope for a life I have only ever dreamed of, on the other side. I just can't go on the way I am.

And with that said, anything better (which is more likely to happen anyway) will only be icing on the cake!


edited for grammar

               Recovering from the Duodenal Switch~
                HW - 495 / CW - 382 / GW - 175    Joanne B. is my Angel 
on 12/4/11 12:38 pm - TX
 I freaked out too. I have researched DS and read about it for 5 years before getting my approval to get it done. I spent the 2 weeks from getting my surgery date until my surgery, posting and asking and researching and re-reading. (I only found OH after my approval.)

I was scared, but thought I was prepared.

Then came surgery and it was harder than I anticipated. I had read what it would be like, but it didn't sink in until after I actually had the surgery. I should have went back and re-read everything post surgery, because I needed to let it all sink in with a different mind-set. 

I am now three weeks out, and I know in my heart it was the right choice, even if my recovery has been more than I anticipated. Have I had some emotional "issues" over missing food? YES! Read my posts, I've been a total goober, but it gets better every day. I read what the vets are eating on their vites & bites posts, and I am encouraged. the bare bones. Good quality life: that is why I did this to begin with. I wanted to do what I can to be healthy, make my blood sugar better, and also bring my blood pressure down some. Right now, I am totally unmedicated and have normal sugars and normal blood pressure. So I would say a good quality life is certainly in line here. 

Many hugs to you....I am wishing you the best. 

on 12/5/11 12:01 am
Very normal.. I was a wreck before surgery then when I was wheeled in the hall way outside the surgery room I totally lost it!! All I could do was breath and try to relax. I almost said no when they wheeled me in and told me to get on the operating table.. But I didn't.. I am so glad I stuck with it.. All I can say is follow your heart not your emotions.. If this is truly what you want then push  through the nerves and aniexty you are feeling..I don't regret a moment of it!  You will do great! Good luck!
SW 314-- CW 170-- GW 155   HT 5'7"  I love my DS !!
on 12/5/11 12:21 am
That's the bad part, its all unknown waters for me.
  . I do want to be thin , healthy and all but do I know what its like to have a DS and live it? No? Do I know I want the ds  ? IDK because I won't know what its really like to have it and the only way of knowing is to do it. There no way of just testing it, hahaha .
All I cam do is take a leap of faith and trust my friends here and what they say about it being great. just want to be thin and healthy.
on 12/5/11 3:45 am
I know what you feel.. All the what if's but what IF you Don't do it.. What kind of life will you have? thats what I kept telling myself.. I kept comparing the risk of the surgery and complications to what could happen later with health issues from being obese.. I was willing to deal with anything from the ds because I felt the other choice would be far worse sooner than later! Plus I wanted to be a role model and parent to my child. Good Luck :)
SW 314-- CW 170-- GW 155   HT 5'7"  I love my DS !!
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