
on 12/4/11 11:24 am

 oh, hi cath, 
Yes this is true, we would be lost with out all these good ppl 
Helping us out..
:)          i  think of all the horror stories,  you know the liquid poo's

And all. hahahah 
Sher Bear Mama
on 12/4/11 11:15 am
 My surgery is tomorrow morning!!!  I felt nervous too the past few weeks.  But once i had my preop last Tuesday I started feeling much better and the nerves subsided.  The doctor was very reassuring and I swear, it was like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders.  You'll get there too.  Just read, come here on the board and talk about it....and hopefully your feel better.  I'll be thinking of you.

Sher--the bear mama

on 12/4/11 11:49 am
You will be fine. sure, you are young and strong.
I'm older so that why had worries. 
Do you have someone to post tomorrow when you come out from surgery?
Hugs, Amanda

Sher Bear Mama
on 12/4/11 1:40 pm
 Yep, Trixxy will be sending updates and she's also coming to visit!!!
 Thanks for the kind words.  It;s si appreciated.

Sher--the bear mama

Felicia S.
on 12/4/11 11:24 am - Lincoln, NE
On December 4, 2011 at 5:11 PM Pacific Time, -Amanda- wrote:
Hello All,

Well  I m  scheduled for next Monday to be switched.
I stressing out really bad,        My nerves are getting the best of me.

Am I making the right choice? Am I ever going to be able to eat again normally?
Will I live a good Quality life? Am I giving up my friend , food forever?   Ugh.

Is this normal last minute freak out?

Are you making the right choice?  Yes, absolutely.

Will you ever be able to eat again normally?  Yes..."normal" might change a little, but I love to eat and enjoy a huge variety of food.  I get gas if I purposely overindulge in floury carbs.  I usually forgo bread/pasta/cookies (things I know will cause gas) unless I'm going to be alone...or just don't give a darn.  This weekend I was bringing my boyfriend to the truck stop so that he could continue on his trip.  We stopped at McD's.  We both ordered Big Mac value meals.  I ate all of the Big Mac (Minus 2 of the 3 pieces of the bread) and about half of the fries and half of the drink.  He ate all of his.  We got to the truck stop and he decided the weather was too bad for him to continue on yesterday (uh oh!! haahaha).  Well, last night was fun...we just had to we BOTH had really bad gas and were stinking up the place.  My son was utterly disgusted, but boyfriend and I were laughing our fool heads off as if we were 10-yo kids.

Will you have a quality life??  Yes, you will...I promise.

Are you giving up your friend, food, forever?  No, absolutely not.  It WILL be tough the first few months, but after that slowly but surely you can increase your food intake and life will get better and better.


HW 264 SW 248 CW 140.8 GW 140 

on 12/4/11 11:32 am
  oh, thank you all for all ur coments, your my besties!!
:)  couldnt do it with out u.
on 12/4/11 1:46 pm
On December 4, 2011 at 7:32 PM Pacific Time, -Amanda- wrote:
  oh, thank you all for all ur coments, your my besties!!
:)  couldnt do it with out u.
First time through, I read that as "beasties".

Of course, there was a thread earlier about eating like a horse...and when I read that title, I thought to myself "No, *I* eat like a bear."

Hey Jules
on 12/4/11 11:37 am
 You're gonna do GREAT! More importantly, Dr. Engstrand's gonna do great. No, he doesn't have a wonderful bedside manner but that man can cut! 

No one can tell if you are going to eat normally or not. What does "normal" even mean anyway? To some people it can mean 2 Whoppers with cheese, a large fry and a Coke. To others it can mean a small salad, a baked potato and a bottle of water. You will find out what works for you and what doesn't. Some people get lactose intolerant, I didn't. Also keep in mind that eating with the DS is fickle. What gives you gas one day will be fine the next. You're definitely NOT giving up food forever. Healthy food with the DS takes on a whole different meaning than what you are used to. Just remember protein and fat are your friends! You can eat as much as that as your tiny stomach will allow. If that means that you have to eat every hour on the hour just to get your protein in, you do it. But first the most important thing to concentrate on immediately post-of is FLUIDS. You can worry about protein and vitamins later. Regarding vitamins, you should get on Vitalady's DS plan and make sure you get your labs drawn so you can adjust your vites according to your levels. This is NON-NEGOTIABLE! Just a small price to pay for living the awesome DS life. 

Like I said to you before, this is about getting healthy and having a more enjoyable life. The DS will allow you to have an awesome quality of life, as long as you respect your DS and follow the few, simple rules that it requires.

Read, take some "before" pictures and measurements, clean your house, purchase some protein powder samples to taste after your surgery, make some food to freeze for your family to eat, take a nice long bubble bath with a glass of wine and try to relax!


                         brokenwings.jpg image by heyjules77

5'8", 150cm C.C. - HW 289/SW 275/CW 150/GW 164      I  my DS!!!

on 12/4/11 12:11 pm
 can we have wine on our liquid diet? lol 
on 12/4/11 11:55 am
We are all different and no one knows if they will have a good, average or bad recovery. I am 64 years old and read all of the bad stories and was expecting the worse for myself. In reality I had a very easy recovery. I never fully woke up from surgery for at least 12 hours and shortly after they had me up walking. I stayed 4 nights in the hospital (where everyone was wonderful) and was sent home. I was off of all pain meds within a week, I had no problem getting my water and food in. I started on the protein drinks in about a week and guess what?? They tasted fine to me, my taste in food did not change much at all........after reading that everything would taste "different". I think that one of the main things that helped me was that my surgeon requires us to drink from child's sippy cups, that keeps a lot of air out of your stomach.

So good luck and yes if you have decided that you want or need the WLS the DS is the way to go!

Switched 9/21/2011 By Dr. Inman
HW    368
SW    328
CW    180

GW 180 (or less to get to a normal BMI)






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