
on 12/4/11 9:11 am
Hello All,

Well  I m  scheduled for next Monday to be switched.
I stressing out really bad,        My nerves are getting the best of me.

Am I making the right choice? Am I ever going to be able to eat again normally?
Will I live a good Quality life? Am I giving up my friend , food forever?   Ugh.

Is this normal last minute freak out?

on 12/4/11 9:19 am - Triad, NC
YES, normal. lol  I've been stressing off and on about this.

If you've done all of your research, read up on, read the links for pre-ops here... you should be pretty well prepared!

There are tons of people here who have gone before us, and they seem to have a good quality of life to me.... and they seem to be enjoying food still!  Your relationship with food will probably change, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Who will your surgeon be?

on 12/4/11 9:25 am

Dr. Engstrand in Milwaukee, Wi.
on 12/4/11 9:30 am

Oh, I see you are very soon also,?
Are you on a liquid diet as well?

on 12/4/11 10:34 am - Naples, FL
If you go back over these posts for the last 4-5 weeks, you'll see we've had an extraordinary number of pre-op nervous Nellies, including me. Yes, it is completely normal, apparently.  I wasn't expecting it but the nerves really hit me very hard. At 3.5 weeks post op all I can tell you is that it wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated. Eating is a chore and that is the worst of it. However, I know it will get better because all the vets say it will and I have faith that they know what they are talking about. I've been on these boards for almost three years so I knew exactly (well, not exactly but pretty much) what to expect.  If you've done all your homework and you are reasonably prepared for what is to come, you will be pleasantly surprised by the journey. If you have not done your research and you are mostly clueless as to what to expect,  you might be in for some unexpected surprises.  You have a week to catch up if you are not up to speed. Your time would be best spent reading, reading, reading. There is a wealth of information here and some very generous and intelligent people who are willing to help you through it all. Also, if you haven't done so already, read everything on the website. The info there is what got me through those last few days before my surgery.
  All the vets have moved to a site where there is no censorship and no biased, unfair moderation. If you want ACCURATE information, join us here:
on 12/4/11 10:34 am - Hobart, Australia
Perfectly normal.  You're right on track.  I wish you all the best for your surgery and recovery!
on 12/4/11 10:52 am

Thank you guys, I really need encourageing words.
 i kind feel like my surgeon didn't answer all my questions and was in a hurry but I guess others have said that about his bed side mannor.
I've started thinking will my teeth fall out in a few years? Will I go to hell in a hand bag?. Hahahaha 
on 12/4/11 10:56 am - Hobart, Australia
Your teeth will be fine as long as you remember to take your vitamins   Mind you even if they did fall out (due to non DS related issues) there are some pretty schnazzy falsies to be had these days *lol*
on 12/4/11 11:01 am
 My surgery is in a month and I feel  the same way, same doubts, same questions  Will I be able to do this?     I still have 1 month to stress over my decision and am hoping to GOD  I will not back out. 

I am new on the fourm and have been reading non stop all day.  I have been reading and rereading the encouraging posts and feel better, thanks guys for the time you take to respond and educate us. 


on 12/4/11 11:15 am - Hobart, Australia
You know I reckon there'd have to be something very wrong with someone going into this surgery who didn't have doubts and questions.  It's not like you're buying a goldfish, this is major major surgery that will have a HUGE impact on your life.  You will need to make many changes to your life and the way you live it, but in the long run, this whole journey is about LIVING and not going to an early grave. 

One of the biggest changes for me has been writing in this forum and reaching out to people to talk about a part of me that I never used to share with anyone.  Never feel like you have noone to speak to at any time during the coming months/years/decades, there's always someone here to listen.
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