Lori's Protein Coffee Drink
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/ds/4280141/Step-by-step-di rections-on-how-to-make-the-best-protein
Someone mentioned Lori's Protein coffee drink a while ago. I found the thread and it looks really really good. It also had a big discussion about the sugar free syrups that are available!
I haven't had coffee since early September, but I can't stand it anymore. I can enjoy coffee AND get my protein at the same time?!!!! Its a dream come true for this newbie.
Someone mentioned Lori's Protein coffee drink a while ago. I found the thread and it looks really really good. It also had a big discussion about the sugar free syrups that are available!
I haven't had coffee since early September, but I can't stand it anymore. I can enjoy coffee AND get my protein at the same time?!!!! Its a dream come true for this newbie.
On December 5, 2011 at 3:01 PM Pacific Time, teachmid wrote:
Heather,Come take a look at the Bites, Vites and Exercites thread and ask majormom (Gina ) how she makes her hot protein coffee,
I went to Starbucks to pick up my SF Peppermint syrup, and it wouldn't ring up. Turns out they can't sell it. :( It's "holiday" flavor. Boo...
I picked up some Starbucks syrup and heavy cream tonight and made this with two chocolate Dream Protein samples a friend gave me. I skipped the fake sugar packets, as my tolerance for sweet drinks is pretty low.
OM NOM NOM. This was beautiful and I didn't get the 'chocolate reaction' afterwards!
(I could never stand regular protein drinks because of the overly-sweet flavors or massive chocolate content. Any chocolate drink comes right back up about 15 min after drinking it, especially the thick protein shakes.)
I think I might limit it to a single caramel syrup punch next time, though. It was a bit over-sweet with two. Also need to pre-chill my coffee, as I ended up with a rather watered down beverage when all was said and done.
Maybe now I can stop trying to eat ALL the animals every day to get my protein alotment.
OM NOM NOM. This was beautiful and I didn't get the 'chocolate reaction' afterwards!
(I could never stand regular protein drinks because of the overly-sweet flavors or massive chocolate content. Any chocolate drink comes right back up about 15 min after drinking it, especially the thick protein shakes.)
I think I might limit it to a single caramel syrup punch next time, though. It was a bit over-sweet with two. Also need to pre-chill my coffee, as I ended up with a rather watered down beverage when all was said and done.
Maybe now I can stop trying to eat ALL the animals every day to get my protein alotment.