on 12/3/11 10:32 am
These are the moments that stick in your memory for a lifetime!

I can't believe 2 years and they hadn't seen you !! I really loved the doctor story:) Just am pictureing that in my head right now and what a experience.

HW 259          SW 256          CW 141       GW 150

Elizabeth N.
on 12/3/11 8:48 pm, edited 12/29/11 7:02 am - Burlington County, NJ


"Just Elizabeth "
on 12/3/11 10:30 am - Houston, TX
I lived on the other side of the world when I had my surgery. I came home a year after my surgery. My aunt (who lives 6 houses down from me) was going to walk down and meet me in front of the house. I was standing out there waiting for her and she walked right by me. I was in front of my house where we said we would meet and she walked right past me. It was wonderful!!!

Back in the U.S.A.

"I have lost the lumbering hulk that I once was.  I don't hide behind my clothes or behind my door.  I am part of life's rich tapestry not an observer."  Kirmy


on 12/3/11 10:35 am
I will have to share this one with my husband he will get a giggle out of it too. It just goes to show that even our own family members could mistaken us!

HW 259          SW 256          CW 141       GW 150

on 12/3/11 10:35 pm - Southern, NJ
 Does this count? My DH and I were in Barnes & Noble and I left him at a table while I went browsing. When I came back to the table he was watching me and then I sat down. He looked so surprised because he said for a moment he didn't recognize me I looked so different! LOL! 

on 12/4/11 1:47 am, edited 12/4/11 1:54 am - Edina, MN
Hey Danni! I learned the hard way that you can't always trust your immediate family to keep their mouths shut. I had been plotting my WLS in secret for several years. A few weeks before my scheduled surgery I told only my husband and my college aged daughter... since I had asked her to travel to Mexico with me.

Then the day before I left for Mexico I decided I should probably go tell my father. He had been battling cancer and would be having this 2nd round of chemo while I was out of town. I debated whether I should even tell him at all. If I had been having surgery locally I probably wouldn't have. But since I was going to "evil, scary Mexico" - LOL! I decided that it ultimately would be less stressful for him if I was completely forthcoming about what I was doing. I *assumed* he'd keep quiet. After all, I had known about his cancer diagnosis for 6 months and kept my mouth shut until he was finally ready to acknowledge it publicly.

Four days after the surgery, while still in the hospital, I called my Mom and told her. She was very happy and excited about the whole thing. I swore her to secrecy... or so I thought.

Fast forward a month later when my elderly grandmother passed away. I saw my WHOLE extended family at the funeral. Everyone knew. EVERYONE! Treason! Apparently, BOTH my parents (who are divorced and don’t even communicate with each other) were blabbing about it to everyone. I guess they were just too  thrilled that I was losing weight and getting healthy (esp. since my stage 2 hypertension was a big reason I did this).

Moral of this story? Can't even trust your own Mom or Dad. ;-p
on 12/4/11 11:31 pm - Brant Lake, NY
 I had my surgery almost 13 months ago and have seen all of my immediate family consistantly since my surgery. On the other hand, my younger sisters xh's family hasn't really seen me and I had to take the my kids and my sisters kids to a birthday party for a family member of my xbil's (my xbil and I are still friends) and his brother who hasn't seen me in 5 years walked up behind me, grabbed me and gave me a kiss- thinking I was my sister! My sister is a tiny thing, maybe a size 4. Poor Wade, had no clue what to say when he all of a sudden realized it was me! My xbil was laughing hysterically, said he has mixed me up with my sister a few times when he sees me from behind in the store. 
on 1/3/12 8:09 am - Meriden, KS
I had my surgery two years ago in October.  I have lost 227 lbs.  My experience with people not knowing who I am has been so much fun.  I mean knowone knows me.  My best friend who I havent seen in four years came for New Years Eve.  When I answered the door she just stood there like she wasnt sure she was at the correct house.  I told well come on in and she still just stood there.  I told her, Its me Bettye.  She was absolutely speechless.  So enjoy your surprise to your friends and family.
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