Hindsight is 20/20. Would you choose DS over another surgery again?

Fo' Shizzle My Sizzle
on 12/5/11 1:04 pm, edited 12/5/11 1:04 pm
I had some mild iron deficiency anemia on and off over the years (lady problems) but not immediately pre-op. My pre-op D was always a bit low even though I was suplimenting- but in hindsight I wasn't supplimenting enough d3 pre op because I didn't know about Vitalady.

I went forward with surgery anyway, my deficiencies weren't high enough to be problematic. Post op my iron and my D are rock solid. So I'm actually better off post op with the DS because the vites regimen is so rigorous that I've gotten rid of those deficiences despite the malabsorbtion.

So I have no regrets with the DS and would do it all over again.

If for some reason the DS didn't exist in time or space, I'd go with a VSG because I want a fully functioning stomach with a pylorus, since dumping isn't my idea of a good time.

For great WLS info join me here weightlosssurgery.proboards.com and here www.dsfacts.com

on 12/5/11 11:38 pm - South Central, PA
I agree with what's been said about Vitamin D and Iron.  Those can be addressed fairly easily.

As far as the surgery choice, I'd say think about what you're looking to achieve ultimately, and whether or not the other surgeries will help you get there.

For me, my ultimate goal was keeping the weight off permanently.  I totally looked over the initial weight loss, because any surgery could help with that and I could have done that on my own.  I needed something that was going to work long-term, way past a honeymoon period.

a) The sleeve would have helped me lose, and would have helped me keep more of the weight off than I could on my own through restriction; but it had no malabsorbtion.  Once the restriction stretched out, that would be it for me--back to diet and exercise.  A possibility, but not an ideal.

b) Same with the band, plus with the band you lose less weight and have to deal with a foreign object and fills.  Not an option for me.

c) The RnY offered malabsorbtion, but it basically "stops working" after a couple of years.  You're then down to restriction only, and you don't even have a regularly-functioning stomach.  If your stoma stretches (and that's likely), higher regain is guaranteed.  I had seen too many RnY failures in real people in my personal life, and it was heart-breaking.  Between that and the thought of possible dumping, that surgery was not an option for me, either.

All of these surgeries work well for many people, but you have to decide if the possible outcomes are acceptable to you.

My DS road has been rough and rugged, but now that I'm 18 months out and all is well, I'm so very glad that I did it.  I'm sure that if I were successful with the other surgeries, I would be glad that I did those as well.  No way to tell.  I'm just glad that my malabsorbtion will work whether I'm being "good" with food or not, and will keep working forever.

Glad you're seeing Dr. K.  He's well respected, vetted, and is also recommended for revision for people who have had other surgeries first and now want a DS.

Nicole  Lab rata data link- One-half of a DS couple!  - I'M BELOW GOAL!
 http://bit.ly/DSExp  After a very rough start it's official--I my DS!  Romans 8:28 
Looking for DS information? Start at 
 http://bit.ly/newDS and DSFacts.com 
LilySlim - Personal pictureLilySlim Weight loss tickers         
on 12/6/11 8:46 am
VSG on 01/09/12

Thanks for taking the time to give me your honest opinion. It make such a difference to read constructive criticism and personal experiences. Congratulations on your weightloss and I hope to be joining the "losing" team soon.

Nunyo B.
on 12/17/11 9:45 pm
LyndiaIN said:  yup, I sure would do the DS over again and again and again if I had to, even after having spent almost 8 weeks in the hospital due to complications from my revision to the DS.  It was the best decision I ever made for my health.  I had to fight my insurance company for almost 2 years before they agreed to pay for it.  I wouldn't have anything else.  Good luck to you.

I'm starting all my posts with LyndiaIN said in case my account is deactivated, that way you'll know who said this.

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