Help..baseline labs..what does it all mean.

M. Miller
on 12/2/11 10:33 am, edited 12/2/11 10:01 pm
 Got my baseline labs...some surprises.

Lipid Panel
    Choleterol Total   162    (125-200(
     HDL Cholesterol   36 (low low low)  (greater than 46)
     LDL Cholesterol    105 (good)   (less than 150)
     Chol/HDLC Ration (4.5)  barely in range  (less than or equal to 5)
      Triglicerides  106 (less than 130)

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
Fasting Glucose              94   (65-99)
Urea Nitrogen (BUN       15   (7-25)
Creatinine                         0.7   (.59-1.07)
eGFR Non Afr. Anerican 108  (what is this?)  (greater than 60)
eGFR African American   126  (what is this?) (greater than 60)
Bun/Creatinine Ration Not Applicable
Sodium               137  (135-146)
Potassium          4.5   (3.5-5.3)
Chrlide                103  (98-110)
Carbon Dioxide 24   (21-33)
Calcium               9.2  (8.6-10.2)
 Protein                 6.8  (6.2-8.3)
Albumin               4.1   (3.6-5.1)
Globulin               2.7  (2.2-3.9)
Albumin/Globulin Ration  1.5  (1-2.1)
Bilirubin     0.4  (.2-1.2)
Alkaline Phospatase  88 (33-115)
AST   18  (10-30)
ALT   23  (6-40)
A1C   5.7  (complete surprise sort of....never had one done but clucose in February was 86 and when I asked PCP if we should do some other sort of test because I was getational diabetic hs said no)  This is the low range of Increase Risk of Diabetes  57   (LESS THAN 5.7 DECRESED RISK OF DIABETES, 5.7 INCRESED RISK OF DIABETES, 6.1-6.4 HIGHER RISK OF DIABETES, GREATER THAN 6.5 CONSISTENT WITH DIABETES
PTH, Intact (without Calcium)
    Parathyroid Hormone, Intact   57   ((10-65)

Vitamin D, 25 Hydroxy, LC/MS/Ms  
Vitamin D, 25-oh, total    17  (so basically I am vitamin D why I am tired all the time?  I do take a supplement but siuspect its not the right one)  (30-100)

Vitamin A   62   (38-98)
Vitamin E  (tocopherol)
   Alpha TocoPherol   11.3  (5.-9.9)
  Beta Gama Tocopherol  2.9  (4.3 or less)
Zinc 80 (60-130)

 WBC  5.8
  RBC 4.02
  Hemomglobin 12.4
  Hematocrit 37.3
MCV 93
MCH  31
MCHC  33
RDW 14.4
Platelet 289

Guess that is the meat of it...but now what does it all mean and does the A1C of 5.7 count as a co morbidity?

*****edited to add lab reference ranges (in parantheses)*****

(deactivated member)
on 12/2/11 10:50 am
eGFR is a test for kidney damage.

The A1C of 5.7 means you are pre-diabetic and I am unsure if it is considered a co-morbidity.

With your calcium, PTH and D levels what they are, you are now leaching calcium out of your bones. You need to work on that now, it becomes more difficult post-op so anything you can do will help.
Calcium citrate and dry Vit D3. I am unsure how much to recommend to a pre-op and I don't know when your surgery is, MajorMom can help you there. or Vitalady. ***If it were me, I would take at least 2000mgs of Calcium Citrate daily and 50,000ius of Dry D3, 3 or 4 x a week. (you really cannot OD on the water miscible D like you can the oil-based D2)

You can use this to help with labs:  www.labtestsonline,org

on 12/3/11 12:02 am
Her PTH and calcium are both within normal range.  Her D is low.  She is not leeching calcium out of her bones - her PTH is not elevated.

But anyway....definitely start taking the right kind of D and calcium.
(deactivated member)
on 12/3/11 12:17 am
I disagree, although they are within range (even though I don't know the ranges her lab uses), they are both at the upper end and with the low D those numbers wouldn't be acceptable to me for my labs.
on 12/3/11 5:15 am, edited 12/3/11 5:33 am
I don't think it's good either - she needs calcium,  d,  etc...but to say that she's leeching calcium from her bones is probably not true at this point.  Her PTH is still in range,  albeit toward the high end of normal.  Something to watch and bring down,  but no reason to panic (yet).

(deactivated member)
on 12/2/11 10:52 am
PS.  It helps if you put the ranges your lab uses in ( ) , some are different than others. :)
M. Miller
on 12/2/11 9:51 pm
 I have plenty of time, I still have two month of nutritional counselling, and I am headed to the vitamin shop somethime today to get some Vit D and Calcium.  Vitalady has a reccommneded regimen for pre ops that I am going to go ahead and follow and hope I get this under control.

Thanks for input.
on 12/2/11 11:47 pm
You will not find the correct form of Vit D at the shop. 

Make sure the calcium is CITRATE,  not carbonate.

Order the D from vitalady.

M. Miller
on 12/2/11 11:55 pm
 I though that my be the case...So I will p**** up my Calcium Citrate so I can get started...and order a pakcage of Dry d3 from Vitalady...i finally found her list of vits for pre ops and am going to order her entire reccomeded regimens...but up the Dry D3 to get my levels up.

How long to get levels up?
on 12/2/11 11:57 pm, edited 12/2/11 11:58 pm
There is no answer to that question.  It depends on your ability to absorb and retain,  the causes of your deficiencies,  how low your levels are,  etc etc

Some people here take 50,000 units of D every day to keep their levels normal, some take 10,000, some take 100,000.  It's all about individual trial and error.

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