? about an elevated parathyroid hormone

Stephanie C.
on 12/2/11 11:09 pm - nashville, TN
Since 3 months out of surgery. The first three months I was on the chewables plan then at 3 months I figured I could handle the pills and switched. I had actually ordered them all pre-surgery.

I am compliant with my vitamins. I had been on the board for 5 years pre surgery as I had discovered the DS, been approved, had the Dr. move, lost ins, got ins with exclusion, et****il I finally got my DS. I did not post very much but I did read all the time and I have seen the diet and vitamin regimen evolve over the past several years. I knew going in that the Dr. vitamin regimen was not enough and from reading here have seen that most people have success with the Vitaladay plan. My plan was to start out on that and then adjust by trends in my labs. So far my labs have been great and trending in the right directions. They have been better then pre-surgery. I am just scared that something may have changed since my last draw. I guess I will find out soon.
on 12/2/11 11:30 pm
You're only a year and a half out.  You may need to adjust your vitamins up and down...we all do.  IMHO,  waiting 6 months for labs within the first couple of years is too long.  I'm 11.5 years post-op and I do labs every 4-5 months and I always have and I always will.  I want to be able to correct trends early, and not play catch-up when something starts going in the wrong direction.

So you havea been taking 50,000 IUs of dry D and 2,000 mgs of calcium citrate,  consistently,  since August of 2010?
Stephanie C.
on 12/2/11 11:48 pm - nashville, TN
Yes, the only time I haven't had my vitamins was the past few weeks while trying to get this kidney infection under control and for one week last year when I was sick with strep and tonsillitis and could barely get down water, I could only handle the sublinguals and chewables that week as I physically could not swallow the pills. That's not to say I haven't missed does before. I am human and there have been times I grabbed the wrong purse when I left and didn't have my vitamins or fell asleep before my last dose, but that is rare. I did have them every 3 months the first year so this is the longest i have not had a draw. I was supposed to have it in October but I was in the hospital, then I was supposed to have it Thursday but I had work and school conflicts so I rescheduled for 3 weeks when school will be over. I am like you in wanting to catch things early. To get your work done more often do you go to your PCP, surgeon or someone else? I have no problem having labs done more often. I just don't know what the right avenue is to get it done.
on 12/3/11 12:06 am
I haven't seen my surgeon in 10 years.  There is no need to.  I have a really good and attentive internist and an excellent hematologist.  Either of them does my labs when I see them,  depending on who I'm seeing,  and I get all the results faxed to me and I send them to the other one.    I always a bunch of things to my labs and all my docs are happy and willing to test the add'l stuff I want.

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