I need some friends..

on 12/2/11 3:32 am
Best of luck its a wild ride but definitely worth it. Stick around on the board and ask questions.There are a lot of amazing people on this board who have a lot of great advice to give. Be sure to check out dsfacts.com if you haven't already. Congrats on getting approval I hope you get a surgery date soon.

on 12/2/11 4:17 am - Provo, UT
Hi there!

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on your approval! You have something that some members of this site have worked for, for years!

I just sent you a friend request.

The support on this site is absolutely awesome, and I can't describe the feeling I felt when everyone was first giving ME that kind of support. I wasn't used to it!

The emotional roller coaster is part of the ride, so hang on and just walk on through your emotions too. It is a much better world on the other side. Not that I am there yet - I am having surgery later this month - but I have learned so much here that I am not even particularly afrid anymore of all that is going to happen to me... I am just READY.

You are welcome to read my bolg, at provolisa.wordpress.com to see what I have worked through already. It might strike some chords with what you are dealing with. I wish you much success, and I hope you come to feel as at home on this board as I do. I actually made it my homepage, earlier today, he he.

               Recovering from the Duodenal Switch~
                HW - 495 / CW - 382 / GW - 175    Joanne B. is my Angel 
on 12/2/11 4:23 am, edited 12/2/11 4:24 am - Comstock Park, MI
Thanks Lisa, I can use all the support I can get. My wife supports my decision but doesn't agree with it. I really don't have anyone in my life that understands how much it sucks being the biggest guy around. I am nothing more than a novelty to some people, oh look, its chris farley ready to do his fat dance.

I feel very alone in this and appreciate all the support I can get. My self esteem is pretty much non-existant and am on zoloft for anxiety and depression issues.

I added you as a friend and plan on being on here quite a bit, I see some of the successes people have had post-op and am scared to even believe I could be there.

Ok, I started rambling...lol....anyways, thanks again and can't wait to see where I will be a year from now!! 
Emily F.
on 12/2/11 6:33 am
On December 2, 2011 at 12:23 PM Pacific Time, alldredget wrote:
Thanks Lisa, I can use all the support I can get. My wife supports my decision but doesn't agree with it. I really don't have anyone in my life that understands how much it sucks being the biggest guy around. I am nothing more than a novelty to some people, oh look, its chris farley ready to do his fat dance.

I feel very alone in this and appreciate all the support I can get. My self esteem is pretty much non-existant and am on zoloft for anxiety and depression issues.

I added you as a friend and plan on being on here quite a bit, I see some of the successes people have had post-op and am scared to even believe I could be there.

Ok, I started rambling...lol....anyways, thanks again and can't wait to see where I will be a year from now!! 
 My husband didn't want me having surgery either but I did it for my health and he sees now that it was the right decision. 

Good luck.
(deactivated member)
on 12/2/11 10:41 am
Blank Out
on 12/2/11 4:31 am
 You sound like you are going through all the normal stuff!  Been there, done that!  You might not want to rush into surgery.  January seems kind of soon for all that you are experiencing.  Just my 2 cents...  You'll want to spend some serious time thinking about, researching even more, etc...  Glad you have been to DSfacts.com, and that you have a real DS surgeon!  Have you checked out your local support group yet?  I spent time going to that long before I even had a surgery date.  Really helped with all the emotional stuff and fear I was going through!  

It took me several years to be ready.  You may be ready to jumb right in.  It is a big adjustment in the beginning!  Took me 3 months to get past my buyers remorse.  And, I had a textbook surgery and recovery.  Now, 18 months later, best decision I ever made!  I could not be happier!  My life feels pretty normal, and my body has made the adjustment.  The only long term issue I deal with is constipation.  This is new to me, cause I never had this problem before surgery.  But, I can live with it.  I have just had to make adjustments.    There is a trade off for every thing in life, is there not?  All the trade offs have been worth it to me!  But, make sure you are good and ready emotionally first!
HW/ 302  SW/287  CW/140  GW/135

on 12/2/11 4:38 am - Comstock Park, MI
dvanhandel, I appreciate the advice. I don't really think I am ever going to feel any different emotionally about it. If you take a look at my page, I first met with a bariatric surgeon in 2005, and then put it off and then again started to look into it a year ago.

This last year I have lost 90lbs and gained at least half of that back, too scared to get on the scale to check. I can't handle this lifestyle any longer and desparately need help. I have been to an eating disorder specialist, overeaters anonymous, several doctors. This is my last resort, I am ready and cannot wait any longer.

I would have the surgery today if they would give it to me, January seems like forever from now...lol. 
on 12/2/11 4:53 am - MI

Dr. Kemmeter is an AWESOME surgeon.  You have definitely got a great start.  Best of luck to you.

Paula R.
on 12/2/11 4:58 am - Portland, OR
Welcome and congratulations on getting your insurance approval for your DS   I totally know what you are going through right now.  Ive got my revision scheduled for mid-February, so time seems to be crawling along right now like a snail on valium.   
My signature is in the witness protection program

on 12/2/11 5:01 am
 I feel for you when you say your spouse doesnt support it. My husband, who has never had a problem with his weight, has commented for the last eight years, "All you gotta do is exercise!". Yeah, right. 

In my hometown community, where everybody knows everybody and everyTHING about everybody, a very very obese man had DS surgery about 7 years ago. When my father saw him, he didnt even recognize him. That man, inspired my dad to have the surgery.  My dad, inspired one of his friends to have surgery. That friend inspired a co-worker to have the surgery. My dad has been post-op 5 years.....he inspired my own surgery 7 weeks ago.

My parents and my husband were at my first appt with me. My husband got on his little exercise speech/kick, and my dad set him straight.   My husband has since seen the change in me, and has never complained since!  

Looking back, it all started with one gentleman in a small community. What a difference he has made in so many lives!  That one gentleman could be you !  Be proud of your decision. You are taking responsibility for your health. Not everyone will understand, but many, many will!

I also want to add that none of my friends knew I was having surgery. Only the HR rep, who tried to talk me out of it.   Every simgle person I told aftetwards, was VERY supportive!  If you can keep things private until afterwards. Reach out on the forum to those who truly understand what you are going tjru!

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