restaurant and takeout eating

Elizabeth N.
on 12/1/11 11:02 pm - Burlington County, NJ
Basically I eat the protein first, veggies second and some carbs with room left over. That's always been my method.

But sometimes I eat what I'm craving, pizza for example. My "secret" for maximizing enjoyment and reducing total carb intake with pizza is to eat the crunchy outside of the crust and not bother with the middle part.

P. Poster
on 12/2/11 1:34 am
 Honestly?  At 18 months out, I eat whatever I want and am maintaining well.  I feel like I can eat a TON compared to most people here, and to be honest, it scares the **** out of me...  Carbs also do not, in general bother me (unless I really go crazy or eat certain known offenders), and so, carbs are pretty normal in my diet now.  I just still cant fit ALL of my protein plus ALL of the carbs I may want in a day...  If my weight starts to creep, the carbs will be the first to go, although I admit I will cry to give them up again.  Anyway-  i can eat a "normal" sized portion now, and know pretty well what works for my guts and what will have me reeling in pain and creating a hazmat situation later.  Some examples-

McDs- I'll get a BigMac and ditch the top bun- yes, it still has two pieces of bread, but they are pretty thin, and soaked in sauce.  I can usually finish the whole thing plus some fries.  I also get nuggets, a double cheeseburger, or a McChicken sandwhich.  I usually eat both buns on the sandwiches, but sometimes not.

Wendy's- I get the double cheeseburger and can usually fini**** again with both buns.  I do not like their fries.

Subshops- I'll get a 6 or 8" with double meat and double cheese and load it with toppings and mayo and oil and vinegar.  I can usually eat the whole thing, bread included.

Pizza- I can eat 2-3 pieces.  I get the heavy on the meat varieties and usually get extra cheese.  I have become a pizza snob though, and will only get the home made fire cooked stuff with the thinner crust now.  

Steak & seafood places- are heaven.  Anything on the menu goes, with LOTS of butter.  I will usually also get a loaded baked potato with extra toppings.  I can usually finish most of the salad with extra dressing,  piece of bread, a 6oz steak and half the potato, and sometimes a few bites of desert (yes, I have desert, everyday...).

Italian- I just get a grilled option, or Ill get something like eggplant lasagna (noodless).  And sometimes, Ive even gotten stuffed pasta with a protein on top and just pick at the pasta.  Most of the time, I just make pasta dishes at home with Dreamfields to fill that void though.

Mexican- anything goes.  Fajitas are my fave, Ill eat one in a tortilla with the works, and then pick at the meat & cheese and sauces.  YUM.  Also, any kind of meat drowning in cheese and sauce is on my hit list too.

BBQ- another safe haven for me.  I can get down on some BBQ and cole slaw.  I usually order my meat with the dry rub and then dip into BBQ to control the portion.

I will say since my DS, I need my stuff goopy and saucy, except for steak.  Chicken definitely has to be lubed well with sauce or cheese (or both).  I can no longer do grilled chicken...  Other than that, I eat, a LOT, and often.  I still eat every 2 hours or so, still put protien first, and still have at least 2 shakes a day to make extra sure.  

on 12/2/11 10:04 am
 Not only directed at you....but if you don't get into good low-carb habits,  it will bite you in the ass.  It's easy to say now "the carbs will go" but I would STRONGLY suggest that you start establishing some low carb habits.  Especially the simple carbs.
Lisa A.
on 12/2/11 10:05 am - Windsor, NY
I also feel like I eat a ton. I also eat every 2 hours or in that time range. The people at work always say "Your not eating again are you?" I know it looks like I'm eating all day long to them but I do space it out. Maybe I won't eat my whole sandwich for lunch but half and then and hour later the other half so they think "already". 

I just really listen to my body. Some days I'm starved and want to eat all day long and other days not so much - just normal meal times.  I also like my food in sauces and chicken breast has to be really moist.

I was actually going to ask this forum if anyone feels like they are eating all day long...
(deactivated member)
on 12/2/11 10:10 am

Most of the time, I eat all day long.  About every 2 hours I eat something, protein foods.

I do have days where I don't feel like eating and use protein shakes.

Don't worry about what anyone else thinks unless you're eating Twinkies, you need the protein.

on 12/2/11 3:46 am
Wonderful responses everyone, thanks for taking the time to write and give some great examples.

It just amazes me how a normal life is in reach..... I am excited to begin this journey, freedom from calorie counting and food obsession.... AM I DREAMING?
on 12/2/11 7:40 am
You'll have freedom from calorie counting or following a lowfat diet but lot's of folks still obsess about food.   It's not necessary a terrible thing.  It could be that you focus on quality rather than quantity.  Even if you have to forgo some choices, compared to the other WLS options, it's the best deal available.  You'll never to have diet in the tradional sense again.  It is very freeing.

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on 12/2/11 8:33 am - Huntland, TN
The quality verses quantity thing rings very true for me.  I don't like to eat at fast food places.  however when out with someone else or even sometimes my hubby that is what they want and I will go if I can't "suggest" them into eating someplace else. LOL 
Eating at any other kind of restraunt is a breeze.
As for fast food at first it was pretty much Wendy's only.  That was cuz I could eat their chili and I enjoyed it.  Now I can eat a small burger at other places but only do it cuz I'm hungry.  I usually order a salad and eat the meat and then some of the greens with lots of dressing. 
I find that fast food chicken fingers/nugets tend not to agree with me and are pretty disgusting to eat.  I do like Zaxby's tho.  LOL
Valerie G.
on 12/2/11 9:48 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

How have people adapted in relation to their favorite takeout meals and restaurant food post DS.

Have your tastes totally changed?  Totally

Do you just omit the carbs and get meats/ sauces and veg?  A little, but I'm not militant at all

Do vet post ops recommend staying away from takeout until you reach goal... is that even realistic?   Takeout is just fine.  Just be mindful of what you order.  If you care to share what do your order?
I loved chinese buffet by the pound early out.  I could enjoy all my favorites, a couple bites at a time, for less than $3.  Nowadays, I order regular meals, eat what I want and if I'm full, I let the rest go or pack it for the dog.  I don't dig leftovers at all, which can be darned disappointing and some may call wasteful.  I look at it as I got what I wanted out of the meal, so letting it go is okay because I'm satisfied.  I do try to get someone to share a large meal with me if I can, so I can pick off of their plate.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 12/2/11 10:48 am
Hi valerie,

Of course I will share... I like chicken, I am trying to eat bacon for the first time in a long time in preparation for the DS. I do not eat beef.

My staples are chicken tandoori or chicken korma, with rice and nan... I will have to give up the nan and rice....

I also love thai food and order chicken satay often... I like pizza but not as much, I love hearing people just stick to the toppings and avoid too much of the base.

It all seems doable, over the longer term, however, I have decided not to do takeout for at least 6months. It is a goal anyway.

I have decided to do a little ritual funeral for all of my favorite treats.... it will consist of placing a cheetos puffs packet, a diet coke bottle, chocolate and other goodies (minus the contents of course) a box and burying it, while singing so long farewell... Auf Wiedersehen... goodbye.... sound of music style....

My husband giggles at me but it will be a loss for me. The funny thing  about certain foods for me is that they have provided an emotional comfort/regulation tool, (albeit maladaptive), I would not be overeating if it wasn't doing something for me, be it self soothing, stuffing feelings or numbing out...

Whatever the reason I overeat/ate it is important for me to acknowledge it, and say goodbye to those foods and move to a new and hopefully healthier relationship with food, weight and body image.....

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