Need advice... 6.5 mos preg. post-DS and having digestive/bowel issues!

Violet S.
on 11/29/11 5:49 am - NY
 Hi all-

I had DS 3 years ago and am currently 6.5 months pregnant. This is my 3rd child, but it's my first post-op pregnancy.
Before getting pregnant, nothing really bothered me anymore diet-wise. I rarely got gas, constipation, etc... I would generally do the typical DS routine of a large BM in the morning, followed by a 2nd large BM about 30 minutes later leaving me feeling very "emptied out", then usually nothing for the rest of the day.  
Since getting pregnant, I've had a touch of IBS-like symptoms here and there (increased gassiness, upset stomach, diarrhea, constipation, etc) but they have been relatively mild. I just chalked it up to all the hormone changes and physical changes of pregnancy coupled with my altered plumbing and digestion due to the DS.
However, for the last 3 weeks, I feel like my bowels have gone completely off the rails... I am having frequent, incomplete-feeling stools... I have trouble passing stool as if I'm constipated, but the poo itself (when it finally does pass) isn't hard... it's just pudding-like DS poo. (TMI sorry!) 
And now for the past 3 days, I've had a feeling of rectal pressure-- like the urge to poo-- almost constantly, and when I do have a BM, it feels incomplete. It's been very uncomfortable and disruptive. Since all of this started, I have added an IBS probiotic and metamucil 2x a day. In addition to all the vitamins/supplements I take daily, I am taking 250 mg of docusate stool softener and 500 mgs of Mag Oxide with each of my calcium doses. I am at a loss for what else I can do/take (while pregnant) to help my system regulate itself a bit more for the remainder of the pregnancy. 
I plan to bring this up to my OB at my appointment in a few days, and I may also call my WLsurgeon's office. Although, I feel like I usually get better suggestions here, because my OB hasn't had a lot of experience with post-DS pregnancies and my surgeon's office usually gives me RNY-centric advice. Should I contact a gastroenterologist? 

Thanks SO MUCH for reading my rambling post and for any insight!   -Violet :) 
                                              I love my DS!
5'7'' SW-267, CW-155
Mom to 2 boys- age 6 & 4
TTC baby #3 since Oct. 2010
on 11/29/11 6:34 am
I don't have any advice for you, but I wanted to tell you that there is a pregnancy board that it would probably be worth cross posting on:

Good luck!
Violet S.
on 11/29/11 8:57 am - NY
 Thanks! I'm on there too, the ladies are very nice but it's definitely a very RNY group so there's not much DS-specific knowledge.  -V
on 11/29/11 7:49 am
First off...congrats! Next..I do hope you are staying on top of your labs. I would think you shoud have them done at least every 6-8 weeks as things can change quickly.

I have not been pergnant in almost 30yrs but I would venture to say that part of your trouble is the baby sitting on your colon/rectum. I can remember having trouble with BMs while pregnant. All i can offer is to maybe increase the fat in your diet..maybe your fluids too. I dont think I would take a laxative on a daily basis as you can become dependent on them. If you have any trigger foods then add them to your diet.

The 3rd trimester usually becomes more and more uncomfortable. You may just have to hang on...not toooo much longer.

Darlene    DS ..9-19-06
KellyKirk........8-6-07  now our DS FOREVER ANGEL....I will always remember
185# gone forever


Violet S.
on 11/29/11 9:03 am - NY
 Thanks, Stormy!
Oh yes, I'm very OCD with labs. A very comprehensive panel every 6 weeks throughout the pregnancy. All my levels are good, except iron which tanked early on... I received a set of iron infusions for it and it's been smooth sailing (other than my damn bowels! lol ) 
I think the baby's position and size is contributing also... probably a combo of the baby putting pressure on my colon/rectum, pregnancy hormones and my altered intestines. It's just so GROSS to always feel like you kinda have to poop-- yuck! I'm about to enter my third trimester so I'm trying to ride it out without losing my mind. You mentioned adding trigger foods, I am actually getting pizza hut pizza tonight for that very we'll see what that produces! 

Thanks again for your response!

(deactivated member)
on 11/29/11 9:54 am
 If your stool is already pudding like that tells me you don't need more fiber, laxatives or more fat, etc.
I sounds like you are having a motility problem not consistancy.  To talk to a gastoenterologist would probably not be a bad idea, he/she may know of something that may help.

Good Luck with the rest of your pregnancy.
on 11/29/11 11:34 am
Sorry to hear about your troubles Violet and congrats on your pregnancy. I haven't had my wls yet - but I can say from both my prior pregnancies that I had bowel problems with both. Also each pregnancy the baby "sat" in a different place. As you enter into your last trimester I'd just be guessing but the little one is running out of room and with your new smaller body pregnancy probably just feels really different this go around. I agree that seeing the gastroenterologist is a good idea. Hang in there and good luck!

(deactivated member)
on 11/29/11 9:43 pm - Woodbridge, VA
I'm not too far behind you - I'm 23 weeks along, and I've noticed something similar. I used to poop just once in the morning, and that was it. But now, just within the past couple weeks or so, I sometimes go multiple times throughout the day, and many times, it doesn't feel like I'm "done." And, sure enough, I go again another hour or two later.

I'm just chalking it up to the pregnancy, especially since I don't have typical DS plumbing (super duper long common channel). I don't think it's specifically DS-related.
Violet S.
on 11/29/11 10:20 pm - NY
 I have a longish CC too... I'm a virgin DS, but my surgeon left it longer (b/c I started out as a relative lightweight, plus he believed a longer CC reduced the occurance of deficiencies.) 
I'm sorry you're having poop-issues also, but I'm kinda glad to hear that this is happening to someone else, makes me feel like maybe it's a "normal" pregnancy post-DS-phenomenon.  I have never in my life been so preoccupied by my own **** lol ;) 
on 11/30/11 3:42 am
If your poop is like pudding,  maybe you should lay off the stool softener.  Sounds like you don't need it.

Lots of crazy digestive **** happens during pregnancy,  to lots of people.  The rectal pressure might just be from the fetus' position and the increasing fetal weight.

Are your labs okay?  If everything is okay - labs,  ultrasounds,  etc etc....probably it's all just a pain in the ass (ha ha) and soon enough you'll give birth and get back to "normal."

I had a baby in January.   In general,  my poops are pretty loose (not badly so, but loose).  During my pregnancy, they got a lot firmer but nothing uncomfortable at all.

I'm 11.5 years post-op.

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