Roller coaster

on 11/28/11 12:05 pm - Sterling Heights, MI
Today was my final pre-op visit with my surgeon. DS is next Tues 12/6 and most of the time I"m over the moon. But, at any given moment I'm crying or really scared. My biggest fear is the breathing tube. What if I have to have it while I'm awake?
I was disappointed because I only lost 6 pounds in the past month. I felt like a little kid that didn't do their homework. But, that just goes to show how bad I am at loosing weight. Dr. L was a bit disappointed with me too but at least he didn't say he was cancelling. AND I do have one more week WITHOUT Thanksgiving in the way.
I'm not planning on posting(after surgery) til I get home but my angel is Norahs_here.
See, my thoughts are like a roller coaster too. Aye yi, yi,
Surgery date 12/6/2011  norahs_here is my angel
on 11/28/11 12:24 pm
 Hi Jeanne!  My expeience at Doctors Hospital?  In pre op, I met the anesthesiologist. I got something to relax me, and I woke up in ICU!  I opened my eyes, looked at my husband, and he said "It's over!". And I went back to sleep!  I have no recollection of the breathing tube. Dr L does that "thing" in your neck so they dont have to constantly poke you!  I got Heprin (spelling) in the leg daily and did have some bruising but no pain. No morphine, but let me tell you...the drugs are good!  The nurses in ICU wete absolutely wonderful!  There were times when I was in ICU, the day of surgery, that I recall lots of people around me. I could have cared less!  I was "in" when they needed me but "out" for the rest. I told my husband to go home!  Don't worry about the breathing tube.  Let the drugs do their thing!
Elizabeth N.
on 11/28/11 12:42 pm - Burlington County, NJ
If you have to have the tube in while you are awake, it will be unpleasant but survivable. You will be thoroughly sedated, as far "out" as you can be safely kept, and will be unlikely to remember much if anything at all about it. ****hugs****

That was my greatest fear, and I was at great risk for intubation and breathing problems. It all worked out fine. It was the first thing I said when I woke up and realized I was breathing on my own, "Thank you Jesus I'm not intubated!"

Look to the best. All will be well.

on 11/28/11 12:50 pm - Naples, FL
Is there a particular health concern that would necessitate the breathing tube being left in post-op? If not, it will come out long before you are awake.
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on 11/28/11 9:13 pm - TX
 Don't fear the tube. If, for some reason they have to leave you on it, you will be sedated until it is time to get ready to remove it. They would give you stuff at that point to help you stay calm. 

I understand the fears and emotions though. I was a basketcase before I went in. (((hugs)))
on 11/29/11 5:17 am - MI
Don't worry about the tube - Dr. L told me there was a very very high chance I would wake up with it - and apparently I did, but I don't remember at all.    You will be fine, I was nervous too.  When I first got to DMC and they gave me the 'personal belongings' bag I freakin' lost it.  Cried my ass off - also did the night before and the ride over.  It's scary as hell, but all of a sudden three months have passed and I am happier than I have been my whole life.

The way I got around the fear is knowing that a planned surgery has to be a hell of a lot safer than an emergency bypass...which would have been necessary for me at some point had I not taken care of this.

Don't worry too much about not loosing more weight - I gained weight before my surgery.  But I had lost some significant amount before so I was okay.  As long as Dr. L is still willing you are in good hands.

Do whatever you need to do the morning of to stay calm.  I don't know if you are getting it done at Doctors or DMC.  If it's at DMC, you will end up waiting for a good 3 hours in the morning in a bed before your surgery.  I fell asleep during this time and they gave me something to help me do that.  Before I knew it Dr. L showed up, they gave me more drugs including an epidural (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) and I was out.  The next time I woke up and remember it was the next day and I was in ICU drinking lemonade.

You will feel like someone shot you but ask for more drugs when you feel pain.  You shouldn't feel a ton of pain all at once.  And remember, walk walk walk, sip sip sip.  Let me know where you are having it done, if I am here I will stop by on Friday. :)

DS Surgery in Detroit Medical Center on 8/17/11.
Start Weight: 386 

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