2 Weeks post op, not doing so well...

on 11/27/11 9:03 am
I'm so nauseous and am not doing so well. Any suggestions?
Its a Secret
on 11/27/11 9:08 am
If what I understand from these guys if you haven't been getting your 64 oz a day, your dehydrated and need to go get an IV.  How much liquid have you gotten down...dehydration can make you really sick.
on 11/27/11 9:09 am
Did your doc give you nausea and acid reflux meds? I noticed if I missed my prevacid, I'd start feeling queasy. Are you getting enough fluids?
NoMore B.
on 11/27/11 9:32 am, edited 11/27/11 9:32 am
 Some nausea is expected as early out as you are, but some things to consider:

1 - Important:  Are you getting enough fluids - 64+ oz a day?  Dehydration will make you feel nauseous, dizzy, and miserable.

2 - Are you on an anti nausea medication?  An acid reducer or PPI?

3 - For me, a few bites of something to eat settled my stomach.  My doctor "prescribed" a saltine with creamy peanut butter, one an hour, after I asked him to refill my nausea meds.  It worked.

4 - Do you have anti nausea medication?

Also, you said you're not doing well otherwise?  What else is going on?

on 11/27/11 10:21 am, edited 11/27/11 10:21 am - TX
 We had surgery the same day. :) 

I was having horrible trouble right out of the gate. Nausea was bad, as was the pain and just pure misery. I had to force myself to hydrate. I sat down as soon as I woke up and watched the clock (as I played on pinterest, lol). Every minute I took a sip of my G2 Gatoraid (for some reason plain water wasn't going down so well for me). I did that until I had in my 32 oz. Then I walked. Someone advised that walking helps, and it did for me. It made "bubbles" come up that were making me feel nauseated. Also, gas-x strips. They were a life saver for me. I took my Prevacid as I was directed, and it didn't help. I also found a tiny bit of food helped. 

Like I said, we had surgery on the same day, and I am so much better. My fluid intake is still a challenge, but I am getting it done. I still get nauseous, but nothing too bad. Hang in there. They say it gets better, and it certainly does. It's just that point is different for all of us. My hubby also had surgery the same day, and he rocked and rolled and had little issue. Me...not so much. I was miserable. Many hugs too you ((((hugs)))). 
on 11/27/11 12:26 pm - MI
 My surgeon prescribed Zofran for nausea (after prescribing something else that didn't work.) I still use it from time to time.
 I am not like I was before. I thought that nothing would change me. ~Sinead O'Connor
on 11/27/11 11:10 pm - bay area, CA
Fluids. Anti-reflux meds, and if the first one doesn't help, get a different one. It can make a world of difference.
     And time is on your side, it WILL get better!

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