It rubs the lotion on it's skin...

on 11/26/11 1:56 pm - MI
My skin was so bizarrely dry following surgery that I had to apply lotions and body butters through out the day to keep it moisturized. At my first post-op surgeon's appt, after inspecting my incisions, Dr K noticed how dry my skin was and told me to keep it moisturized. Little did he know that I had gotten up that morning and showered and lotioned up just two or three hours before my appt using a good shea butter lotion. It'll pass. I'm back to my normal daily miniaturization schedule, which is at least once a day, but sometimes twice. 

The only protein shakes I liked right after surgery were the Nectar Sweets. The chocolate truffle and vanilla bean torte were both good warm... and warm was so much easier to deal with than cold at that point. (I mixed them with hot tap water, not boiling water.) I also didn't mind the cappuccino flavor, even though I'm not a coffee drinker. The fruity flavors made me gag... however now I like them just fine.

I still have days where I could eat half a horse is you sliced it up nicely and tossed it on the grill. And some days where I just don't feel like eating at all and have to make due with my protein shakes on those days as everything I try to eat sits so heavy on my stomach and just makes me feel blah. Sometimes I'll have that shift midday. I'll wake up starving and scarf down ham and eggs... and then I don't want anything the rest of the day. I try to make myself eat a handful of nuts here and there or a cheese stick, but frankly sometimes I'm sick to death of nuts and cheese (I never thought I'd say that. I've always loved nuts and cheese. It feel like blasphemy to say otherwise.)

Just keep telling yourself "this too shall pass." That was my mantra.

 I am not like I was before. I thought that nothing would change me. ~Sinead O'Connor
on 11/26/11 2:16 pm - Hobart, Australia
You may be onto something there about having the protein drinks warm.  I do seem to be able to stomach warm fluids easier than cold, this could be the way to go, thanks for the idea.  It's also probably why I'm having trouble drinking water, I might try warming it up with some lemon or lime in it and see how I go.
on 11/26/11 4:14 pm - MI
Caffeine-free green tea with lemon was my beverage of choice for a while after surgery. Some people swear by peppermint tea, but I'm not a big fan of the taste. I also had a chamomile-jasmine white tea that I enjoyed before bed. 
 I am not like I was before. I thought that nothing would change me. ~Sinead O'Connor
on 11/26/11 7:08 pm - BF-Nowhere, United Kingdom
You could always try some fava beans and a nice Chianti!

1. Not enough fat in your diet to keep your skin moisturized from the inside due to post surgical malnutrition.  Normal.....****ty but normal. The down side is that slugging down buckets of cream and butter will make you **** like a burst fire hydrant then you have the issue of dehydration from the rear end.  A happy medium is adding cream instead of milk to your tea.  Still expect some bum wee.  Anyway you're a failure in the explosive arse stakes thus far..

2. Yes.  They are made from decomposed old age pensioners that have been laying in their own urine for 6 weeks.  They just grind them up after that and put them into a jar. NOM NOM.  Eating protein is perfect but remember your sphincters are still swollen and there for don't shut or open properly depending on the level of swelling involved.  You may get hideous reflux or a failure to properly empty your gut there by resulting in the weird vomit...i.e. just casually stroll to the loo open mouth and undigested food falls out minus evil contractions.  This will fluctuate for up to two months as you heal and your GI tract gets better used to fiber etc.  It is tough. Some days you can eat some not.

3. Drink is better than nothing!  Just drink decaf to give the kidneys a wee break.  They are already pumping out some serious **** from muscle and fat metabolism.  Potassium salts are make out of duck urine.  (not really but I know you immediately went "Oh REALLY"!).

4.MAD AS A BOX OF FROGS. You entire life is going to be a series of "bay of pigs" moments for the next two years.  You may singlehandedly sort out the problem with the Euro by scaring them into compliance.  All I know is that if a 6ft tall Redhead came at me with nostrils flaring I'd sign anything to make her stop.  No your bum doesn't look big in that.  The eggs are not just baby chickens that could have been and you are not Simone De Boviour and you don't need the deluxe chicken coup with whirl pool spa and heated towel rail.  You must get out of your room and into the world even if you just cried at the terrible loneliness of a solitary poo being flushed into the Pacific ocean. Don't speak to street vendors you'll just scare them.  Don't try to teach your child anything meaningful about life as you'll contradict yourself tomorrow.  Just see yourself as a multiple personality on a rampage and all will be well.

As for the closing statement...that's point 4. talking.


RIP Mickie aka Happychick.  You will be missed deeply.
Gracie P.
on 11/26/11 8:30 pm - Mansfield, OH
I have dry skin too and I guess I am one of the lucky ones that it does not itch or bother me, other than looking like I have scales on my legs!  It's almost winter here where I live and with the heat on, that adds to the dry skin.  We have a humidifier in the bedroom to help with the dryness in the air, helps us breath better at night and helps the dry skin a bit.

No one has mentioned, that I noticed, the ole' PROTEIN COFFEE shakes.  They ARE the only protein drinks I can take.  I have never been a person who has a coffee pot on 24/7, thus I make my shakes with INSTANT COFFEE!  Yes, I said it!  INSTANT COFFEE.  If you are going to doctor it with that much cream/milk, flavored syrups and protein powder, you really can't tell what the coffee tastes like.  Plus, I add heaping amounts of the coffee crystals and make my protein drinks REALLY strong.  I am almost 18 months out and there is NO way I could get 100 g. of protein a day if not for these.  And, I will admit, I don't always get in my 100 g. But that is always the goal!

It is hard to get in the liquids.  Plus if you are like me, when you do succeed at getting them in, I am up 5 times during the night going to the potty!  Ahhhhhhhh

As far as the mood swings, ahhhh, I had those pre-op, so I can't really speak to anything unusual. 

Best wishes to you as you begin your DS journey!  It really does get better.  Seems like a blur to me now.  The happiness that you are going to get from this surgery is WELL worth the weeks/months of what your are experiencing now. 


- 165 lbs. total!                     Updated 4/7/13

(deactivated member)
on 11/27/11 2:30 am
Gracie grrl, how you feeling?

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