Stomach is going to jump

Lisa A.
on 11/25/11 10:32 pm - Windsor, NY
It is very normal to be nervous. You have very little kids. Will you have help after surgery? I myself can't imagine taking care of a 2 yr old and a 9 month old after this surgery. My lord, I could barely take care of myself. We are all different though and hopefully you will have a better recovery than I did.

I did absolutely wonderful after my 3 kids (22, 21, 17). Even being obese I had a very high energy rate and did have many problems (yet). This surgery through me for a loop though.

I am worried for you because I was not anxious at all before surgery. I will admit the morning of the surgery I wanted to jump off the table and leave the hospital but before I knew it they were waking me up. After surgery I became extremely anxious because I was so sick and dehydrated and losing my fat cells so quickly which screwed majorily with my hormones. I also thought I'd have to go to the crazy house. It took me around 6 months to feel back to normal or my new "normal".

I'm not telling this to scare you but to prepare you. You have to get mentally ready for this (as much as you can) because this is a very serious surgery. I don't know if I could or would have done this with kids this little but I give you credit for taking your life into your own hands.

Good luck to you!
(deactivated member)
on 11/25/11 11:51 pm
Thank you Lisa!  This surgery is already throwing me for a loop.  I thought I was totally mentally prepared!  lol  I even sat my husband down and told him that when I'm in the rapid loss phase that I'm going to be emotional and crazy and to be prepared for it.  I told him that he isn't allowed to leave me for at LEAST 18 months from surgery (he never would anyways haha). 

The children arrangement is this:  My hubby comes home Monday morning and will be home the week that I have surgery up until the next Monday morning at 2am he leaves again.  So soon after I get home (REALLY hoping to be out at least by the weekend, 3 days is my GOAL..poop baby poop!) he will have to leave for work for the week.  My older girls will load the babies up in the car for me when they go to school.  They will stay at daycare everyday when my hubby is gone until I get them at 6pm.  They usually go to bed around 7:30-8 so that'll be the only time I'll get to see them :'( each day until hubby gets home for the week again. 

We also have a great dane/rottweiler puppy that is 7 months old, but weighs 80lbs so far.  She is going to stay with a friend on her farm while my husband is working.  I am not going to risk her pulling me or jumping up on me fresh out of surgery.  My parrot will not be a problem.  And the car we are being foster parents to for awhile is just a pain in the ass.

My plan is to do NO lifting of any kind for a long time.  I will miss my babies like CRAZY but I will have to take them to daycare in order to heal.  Yes, I could've waited until they are older....but that is more years of my life to stay MO and less years to be healthy and able to get down on the floor and play with them like I want to.  I hope it all works out!
on 11/26/11 1:33 am - Naples, FL
Now that you have your stats up, I see you are a lightweight too. Your recovery really should be pretty smooth, especially since you already did the sleeve part. In my opinion, the stomach part of the surgery is worse than the intestinal rerouting, which I hardly notice any effects from as far as pain. Why are you getting your surgery open rather than lap? Mine was lap which means no huge incisions. I am not sure how an open procedure compares since I haven't had it. Regardless, I really think your recovery will be better than you anticipate.

The worst would be dehydration but if you have a decent doctor, I doubt it will be an issue. My surgeon had 2 iv's in me at once because he did not like my urine output early post op.  I hate iv's and I can tell you, I didn't care. It became annoying only when the catheter was removed and I had to get up to pee. It seemed all those fluids made a mass exodus at once and it hit my first night after I was released from the hospital. The night I thought I'd finally get some decent sleep. But no, I was up every hour, sometimes two or three times an hour, to get rid of all that accumulated fluid. However, I never became dehydrated and that was exactly what my surgeon intended.

So are you starting to feel a bit better now?
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(deactivated member)
on 11/26/11 2:16 am
I hope you're right in that recovery is a breeze.  I'd guess that it will be easy to get fluids in since I am not being re-sleeved.  I don't have near the restriction that I did when my sleeve was swollen.  I know that I weighed 14lbs more when I left the hospital from that surgery than I did when I went in haha!! 

I am having it open because my surgeon is Dr. Buchwald and he only does open procedures.

The anxiety has been a tish better so far today.  I've still cried a lot.  It just confuses me because I have no idea why my body and mind are acting like this.  It seems so ridiculous to me.  Weird!
Emily F.
on 11/26/11 8:41 am
You can ask for a sleeping pill the night before. I asked my surgeon and he said it was a great idea. I can't imagine laying awake that night freaking out.
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