Emotions and Marriage

honeybadger 11
on 11/24/11 10:35 am - FL
Ive spent Mon and today so far crying all day and if something is even kinda sad, im crying. Usually im laughing and crying because i cant stop it and it ridiculous to me.

Thanks for the kind words.

Revision to DS 11/9/11                                  LapBand 12/2006
SW  321/ CW 248/ GW 185                           SW 330/ HW 348/ LW 300
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Its a Secret
on 11/24/11 11:23 am
I kinda thought it was probably the anesthesia but I didn't know about the hormones hiding in the fat...wonder if we've lost enough fat yet to impact hormone levels....

I'm one of those that never cries at movies or such and an episode of raymond got me going LOL

this too shall pass honey bear :)

honeybadger 11
on 11/24/11 1:26 pm - FL
Ive lost 21lbs so far so some of that has to be fat!

I told hubs before surgery that i would be a raging, hormonal, paint peeling fart machine with pimples and bad breath...he said that sounded awesome:) *insert heavy sarcasm* haha

Revision to DS 11/9/11                                  LapBand 12/2006
SW  321/ CW 248/ GW 185                           SW 330/ HW 348/ LW 300
Join me here: http://weightlosssurgery.proboards.com

on 11/24/11 12:28 pm - Louisville, KY
DS on 02/27/12
Oh, sweetie bug, you will look back on this next Thanksgiving and think: Oh, my lord, who was that crazy crying girl?!   

honeybadger 11
on 11/24/11 1:21 pm - FL
You got that right!!! Tho the crazy will still be there next thanksgiving:) HAHA

You just wait! I might be wrong but you seem down to earth, not a crybaby kinda chick like me...you are gonna be balling yourself stupid remembering this post! hehe

Then i will be there to give you a cyber hug and tell you is all normal and that youll be just fine soon:)

Thanks hun, i appreciate you chiming in:)

Revision to DS 11/9/11                                  LapBand 12/2006
SW  321/ CW 248/ GW 185                           SW 330/ HW 348/ LW 300
Join me here: http://weightlosssurgery.proboards.com

on 11/24/11 7:02 pm
I am almost 8 weeks out.  I know what you are going through.  I didn't cry but I got teary eyed over TV commercials!  My husband and I talked and he understood.  I felt bad because we didn't have the physical closeness for a few weeks.  He understood (not that he liked it).  Well let me tell you those hormones are wonderful.  For the past week it has been incredible.  I mean out of this world.  Sex, all the time.  Great for both of us.  Maybe this is TMI but you need to know it is going to get better.  Like everyone else has said.  Just heal.  Hang in there.  It is so worth it.   
honeybadger 11
on 11/25/11 5:02 am, edited 11/25/11 5:03 am - FL
Not TMI at all:) It good to know.

Funny thing is, i didnt mean sex when i said snuggle, i actually meeant snuggling! HAHA We love to lay together but i cant comfortably right now because it pull on my sites. We've had sex and that went fine. Im glad the hormones make you ravenous! :) 

Thanks Melissa for your insight, good to know all this should hopefullly be pretty short lived:)

Revision to DS 11/9/11                                  LapBand 12/2006
SW  321/ CW 248/ GW 185                           SW 330/ HW 348/ LW 300
Join me here: http://weightlosssurgery.proboards.com

on 11/25/11 12:20 am


Hunny, you are over thinking your hubby right now.  He loves you and might not even be thinking all the things you think he is.

When we cry our men want to "fix" what is making us cry.  He can't figure out what this is, so it is frustrating to him.  That's one thing that's probably making him look stuffed.  Another thing is that while talking may make us feel better it usually just makes them nervous or confused that they are going to answer incorrectly and make us cry more.

You are going to be fine and so is he.  What you are experiencing is perfectly normal and will improve before you know it.  Hang in there.
honeybadger 11
on 11/25/11 5:10 am - FL
Thanks Nancy.

Your words are so true! Hes such a fixer like the rest of them. We did talk last nite and things are better. I think the thing, as silly is it is, that made me feel so detached is usually hes always messing with me. Tickling me or pulling my toes. You know little things you dont even notice until theyre not there. After our talk i think he realized im not so much in "battle" healing mode and that the kid gloves can come off. Yes, of course im still healing but im ready to return to life, slowly:)
Your words are very helpful. Thank you:)

Revision to DS 11/9/11                                  LapBand 12/2006
SW  321/ CW 248/ GW 185                           SW 330/ HW 348/ LW 300
Join me here: http://weightlosssurgery.proboards.com

on 11/25/11 12:33 am - Huntland, TN
Awww, congrats, your ds is working just like mine did!!!!  I was a total inside out basket case at this point.  I guess if I had been a serial killer the entire human population would have been wiped out!!! LOL

Remember that hubby is the "sane" one right now.  Hard as it is to admit that but he is the more stable one. LOL.  Just lay back and let him have his moment in the sun cuz honey you are about to start shining like never before!  You both will be so thankful next this time next year you won't know what to do with yourselves!!!
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