Thinking of going vegetarian...

on 11/22/11 3:15 am
I want to thank everyone for your help today.  I didn't even realize how much I needed it!!! 
THANK YOU!!!!!   
on 11/22/11 4:58 am
Sounds to me like you  have gotten out of the habit of eating.  Period.
Do you take a PPI? I really like ZEGRID..others take Prilosec, Prevacid etc.
You have a DS...that means for now you have to eat to lose...really...the more you eat the more you lose.
Now you realize you have to up the cals., next learn to eat again.

I dont like leftovers either. I have gotten in the habit of cooking very small roasts, loins, pieces of chicken instead of a whole one. Cook a roast/loin and make 2-3 different types of meals from it. I found that helps. Everytime you eat put some kind of protein in your mouth.
You need to try eating 6-8 small meals every day..or 3 with lots of snacks, hell, just eat all day. Have a shake at bedtime or early morning...not all day.

I didnt start eating veggies till somewhere 'tween 18-24mos postop. They took up space that was better suited to protein. I kept carbs under 100 a day. I also didnt no deprive myself of anything...sweets included. If I really wanted something and had my protein in then I had a small (very small) piece, bite, helping of whatever.

Again read DS Facts, the Bites and Vits threads. Learn to eat again.

Darlene    DS ..9-19-06
KellyKirk........8-6-07  now our DS FOREVER ANGEL....I will always remember
185# gone forever


on 11/22/11 5:10 am
Oh no no no ... I eat.  I definitely eat!  I do more that 3 meals and snack a lot of the day.  But, my snacks are wrong.  Cheese It's and Triscuit.  I need to find something else to munch on.  I used to have cheese sticks on hand at work.  Maybe I'll go back to that.

I don't take a PPI.  The only problem with acid I had was when I changed up my vitamin time I was taking caclium right before going to bed on a somewhat empty stomach.  That was causing some concerning night time acid for me.  But, I adjusted my vitamin time and the night time acid went away.

I will keep my fingers crossed about the needing to eat more to lose weight.  When my wt loss came to a screeching standstill and then a creep was when I started eating cheese and olives for lunch.  I thought maybe I just upped my cals too much.  So, I started trimming.  But...  maybe that's not the right thing either.  I'm hopeful it's not because I was really stressing how well I could trim more cals!!!!  I will increase fat, decrease carbs.  Protein will prob remain the same.  And - yes - I will probably go back to eating a meal for lunch at work and make sure to eat for dinner.  Trying to make myself just stick to a protein drink in the evening was resulting in me eating carbs I shouldn't even have in the house!!!!!  I know better about the carbs...  now I've got to do better.  And, I'll work on INCREASING cals!!!  I guess thro a mix of more protein and quite a bit more fat.  I do think I've been starving myself a bit of fat lately. 

Here's to new beginnings!!!
on 11/22/11 8:09 am
1.Throw away the pasta, Cheezits, and Tricuits until you have lost all the weight you want to lose and a little more for bounce back.
2. Keep your carbs under 100/day. 50 a day if 100 doesn't work.
3. Eat at least 120 grams of protein a day.
4. Never eat low/lower fat products of any kind.
5. Do keep cheese sticks, nuts, jerky, protein bars on hand at all time and eat them every time you feel like it.
6. Eat a salad only AFTER you have had protein. Cut them out altogether until you can EAT your daily protein.
7. STOP counting calories! Calories do not matter to you any more. Keeping your carb grams low and your protein grams high is all the counting you need to even think about.
8. At your next appointment--the one where you are going to fire her--inform your nutritionist that 3000 calories a day is an appropriate amount for a DSer to eat and lose weight. Take a photo of her face for chuckles.
9. I believe there is an Omega 3 that we can absorb called Coromega. You should look into that. I eat a lot of seafood so I don't worry about it.
10. Spend more time here so you can learn how to correctly manage your DS.

Good luck!
Check out my profile:
Or click on my name
DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"

on 11/22/11 8:54 am
Amen to everything you said. 

Please stop counting calories...just worry about the carbs and protein.

on 11/22/11 9:12 am
And how are YOU doing, sweet Ms. Boop?
Check out my profile:
Or click on my name
DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"

on 11/23/11 2:21 am
 As of today I de-carbed my kitchen.  ;)

By the time the evening rolls around, I've usually gotten my 100 grams of protein in for the day.  Having a salad is somehwat new to me in the evening but I'm enjoying it very much.  I agree that my protein probably needs to be increased even more.  I'm getting labs run again in about another 3 weeks... I'm going to wait until after those labs are run before making a push to up my protein further.  I want a picture of how my body is doing with around 100 grams for the sake of a benchmark.  They had me up my protein from the recommended 80 to 90 after my last labs.  But, I was already getting around 90 so I upped them to about 100.  Again, I do suspect they will have to be increased more.  After my next labs I wil prob increase them to about 120.  
on 11/23/11 2:56 am
Good for you!

Although, I'll give you a free one day pass tomorrow. The best idea behind the DS is that there is no deprivation. The occasional carb splurge won't kill your weight loss as long as you regularly reach for protein when you feel like noshing on something.

I believe the recommended daily requirement for protein for normal people is 65 grams. Since we malabsorb at least 50% of the protein we take in, I don't think 120 would be overdoing it. More protein is always a good idea unless you have some pre-existing condition that contraindicates it--and then you probably shouldn't have had the DS, anyway.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Check out my profile:
Or click on my name
DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"

on 11/23/11 2:58 am
Ya... passing up those mashed potatoes and gravy would be mighty hard!!!  
April M.
on 11/22/11 10:43 am - MI
If you like cheez-its, I've recently discovered what it was that inspired them in the first place. Here's the recipe, seriously, I don't think it could be easier.

However much cheese you think you can eat in cracker form within 3 days... start small, it's easy to make more! I use cheese slices, for the convenience, but you can use shredded (beware extra carbs in the anti-caking agents!) or chunk and slice yourself.

I cut a sandwich sized slice (2 -2 1/2 inches by 2-2 1/2 inches) of cheddar into 4 equal squares. Arrange on a cookie sheet lined with parchment.... MUST be parchment!!!!! Not anything else, parchment only! Trust me on this! With the cheese I use, I can usually fit about 15-20 slices on a sheet, but again, start small, and see how much your cheese expands, runs, etc. Mine basically doesn't.

Bake at 350, for 15 minutes if your cheese "bits" are as large as mine, less time if you're making smaller cheese crisps. Basically, I baked them until they stopped bubbling, and then added 3-5 more minutes. It really does depend on your oven, and the size you're making them, etc. Don't be afraid to try a bunch of different times, sizes, etc... you'll find what you love!

When they come out of the oven, slide the parchment paper to your counter top and let cool completely before you eat them or bag them up. They come out melted, so it's important to leave them alone until they "crisp up"!

That's it! They're shelf stable (no refrigeration needed) for about 3 days, if they last that long! If I think they'll be around longer than that, or when I make big batches, I just throw the bag in the fridge, they've never lasted long enough to find out when they go bad then!

They seriously taste just like cheez-its. Salty, crunchy, cheesy.... and all healthy DS food!!!!

~April~                                             5'7" 
       2 Part DS                   BMI: S/C/G    59.3/33.5/24.9   
 Part 1: 3/14/11                HW/SW#1/SW#2/CW/GW      
    Part 2: 7/14/11                  

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