Ladies question

on 11/20/11 2:16 am - ROCKMART, GA
 Ladies I am having some issues with my menstrual cycle.  I have had 2 periods a month for the last 3 months and I am tired of it.  When I have t he cycle I have problems eating and feel like crap.  This menstrual cycle thing is new to me because before surgery I would go several months without having a cycle and when I did have one it was 3 days max , light, and I never had cramps.  I was wondering if this is normal?  Is there anything I can do?  Is this a sign of some levels being low.  Thanks in advance for all your advice and knowledge in advance.  
Rockmart Georgia                        
HW: 315 CW: 117 GW:  First goal 150 met 3/23/2012, Second goal 135
on 11/20/11 2:21 am - VA
Dang! When it rains it pours... I don't think there's a vitamin connection but perhaps hormones. Please keep an eye on your iron markers and see your GYN.


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

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on 11/20/11 2:26 am - South Central, PA
I agree with MajorMom--you may want to see your GYN.  It's likely all the hormones that are released with higher weight loss, but you want to make sure it's nothing more serious.

Hang in there!

Nicole  Lab rata data link- One-half of a DS couple!  - I'M BELOW GOAL!  After a very rough start it's official--I my DS!  Romans 8:28 
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on 11/20/11 3:44 am - Bloomington, IL
UGH Sweetie I was just going through the same things!  They tried me on 2 different kinds of birth control pills over the last year and a half but it didn't help.  One was a progesterone only pill; one was a progesterone/estrogen combo.  I think there must be an absorption issue with birth control pills post DS because nothing helped.  I just had a Mirena IUD put in about month ago and after a month of hell (lots of spotting, cramping, 2 cycles and PMS) it seems to have done the trick.  My cycle was due yesterday and still nothing.  No spotting, no cramping, no PMS. 

I would go see a OB/GYN about it.  They can check the lining of your uterus and make sure its not too thick or something else like that (fibroid or something) making that happen, too.  They can check your hormone levels and stuff.  My doc was really awesome and looked up the DS and any relevant info, which is why we decided it was an absorption issue and I needed to go with an IUD to get the hormones delivered right where they needed to be without needing to swallow a pill and worry about absorption. -My Mom blog were I talk about my journey through weight loss & weight loss surgery, my kids, cupcakes, Star Wars & pretty much everything!         
on 11/20/11 4:49 am - ROCKMART, GA
 I had a IUD up until about this time last year when I decided to have permanent sterilization before I had DS done.  I will make a appointment with GYN because this is no fun at all.   My family think I am crazy LOL.  
Rockmart Georgia                        
HW: 315 CW: 117 GW:  First goal 150 met 3/23/2012, Second goal 135
M. Miller
on 11/20/11 5:51 am
Yes..go see your GYN, esecially since you are having two cycles.   ...but I will tell you, I have a montly cycle that has me down and out for 2-3, just plain old feel like crap...can't eat headaches etc....and I am psychotic to boot (i freely admit it).  I have tried everythign the doc has rescrbed to no I ust suffer through it (and so does my family).
Janet P.
on 11/21/11 7:44 pm
Ladies -- it is absolutely critical you get this under control because excessive bleeding can and potentially will lead to iron deficiency anemia. Before my DS I had a "normal" cycle. After my DS I didn't have a period for almost a year but then it came back completely different than it was before the DS. Excessive weight loss has a major effect on hormones. Just before my 3-year post-op mark and following plastics, I developed severe anemia that required months of infusions. I was utlimately heading for a uteran ablation but ended up going into menopause following a fibroid embolization.

I was in the mid-40's when I had my DS but I've noticed over the years that DSers are getting younger and younger. This IMHO is defintely something that needs to be taken into account when considering the DS.

I'm not a medical professional (and don't play one on TV). These comments are strictly my opinion.

Please make sure you see your ob/gyn.

Janet in Leesburg
DS 2/25/03
Hazem Elariny

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