Just moved to soft foods... any recommendations, wisdom?

Elizabeth N.
on 11/20/11 10:00 am - Burlington County, NJ
Well, many of us subscribe to a rule of thumb about protein consumption of 30 grams (daily) by 30 days out, 60 by 60, 90 by 90 and on to at least 100 grams per day from there (I'm inclined to suggest 120, myself).

Other than that, I don't think there's anything else that needs counting. You'll want to consider your carb intake. People monitor carb intake in various ways. I did it by making sure that I didn't eat anything else in a meal until I had 30 grams of protein in my gullet. Then I had veggies. IF I had any room left, I'd eat something carby.

That process has served me well these five years and counting.

Other people prefer to count carb grams and super limit themselves. You'll hear about people staying under 100 grams or under 50 grams of carbs per day, for example. The latter is tough to do if you get a lot of your protein from dairy (yogurt and cheese).

Counting calories is a waste of time IMO.

Is that along the lines of what you were wondering?

on 11/20/11 10:23 am - Woodstock, GA
Some what... I have seen the 30-30, 60-60 and 90-90 grams etc.  I guess my question is... what is 30 grams... 1/4 cup?  How much chicken is 30 grams?  I have been told I shouldn't be eating more than 1/4 cup or just a hair more at this point (just short of 30 days out).  So, if it's 1/4 cup at 30 days, what is it at 90 days, etc.  Does that make sense?  I definitely don't want to stretch my pouch or taken in too much too soon.  I've also heard that at 1  year to 18 months out, I would be eating 3/4 to 1 cup at most from then on out.  So, given that the info is from nutritionists who focus and provide info to DSers that is really geared to RNYers, what am I to believe?
I hope you dance with enthusiasm... and a million other things joyful!
Elizabeth N.
on 11/20/11 12:50 pm - Burlington County, NJ
First: You do not have a pouch. You have a fully functioning stomach with normal stomach anatomy, just greatly reduced in size.

Ignore those 1/4 cup etc. measurements. They are meaningless. That's all RNY stuff.

The rule of thumb for protein content: Meat, fish and fowl have seven grams per ounce by weight. Don't measure by volume, measure by weight.

With cheese, look at the nutritional label to make sure, but most harder type cheeses also have seven grams per ounce. The softer the cheese, the less protein per ounce.

Eggs run about six grams per egg.

Look at your nutritional labels. The Greek yogurt I eat for breakfast every day is about 14 grams of protein in a 6-oz. serving. Regular yogurt has about half that much protein. You'll have to become label- and protein-savvy.

Things I eat for 30 grams of protein include but are not limited to:

--two of those containers of Greek yogurt and a handful of soy nuts
--two eggs and six or seven strips of bacon
--a marvelous hunk of ribeye, chicken breast (well sauced), fish, a burger, etc. MEAT MEAT MEAT :-D
--4-5 oz. of cheese in chunks to nibble as I graze along
--three Taco Bell tacos, with or without shells (generally with nowadays, but there are exceptions)
--a can of tuna (as tuna salad of course)
--a nice big glob of chicken salad
--4-5 oz. of queso fresco fried or toasted to golden delightfulness

Obviously you are not yet able to consume all this stuff. That's what supplements are for. But as you heal and get further out, you will expand your diet and eventually include all the lovely creatures the Almighty created to go on the plate next to our mashed potatoes....minus the taters for now. Some people would also say minus the gravy. If you do that, do be sure to at least have melted butter on the side :-). You'll poop oh, so much better.

on 11/27/11 1:46 am - Woodstock, GA
Elizabeth,  First, I apologize for the delayed response.  You have been very helpful and I do appreciate the wealth of knowlege you have imparted on me.  I take it seriously and value it.  Thank you so much for sharing.
I hope you dance with enthusiasm... and a million other things joyful!
Elizabeth N.
on 11/27/11 2:22 am - Burlington County, NJ
Glad it helped :-).

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