Dr, Keshishian - Lapband to DS revision....

on 11/16/11 2:56 am - Orange County, CA
While I was in the hospital I could have sworn I saw Dr. K turning water into wine.  Ok, maybe it was a result of all the pain meds.

on 11/16/11 11:20 am - OKC, OK
(smiling)....I know what you mean, and I totally agree.
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on 11/16/11 7:09 am, edited 11/16/11 7:09 am
Thank you! I love all the positive feedback!
on 11/16/11 7:10 am
Love it!  I have a friend who is in the process of getting a Lapband - she knows of my experience (and the experience of several others who did not lose weight) and STILL buys into the crap they advertise... it's horrible. I can't wait to have REAL wls!
on 11/15/11 10:57 pm - Naples, FL
 I flew from Florida to have Dr. K do my surgery if that tells you anything. I see him in a couple of hours for my follow up and then I go home. This surgery will scare you as a pre op because it is not a minor little surgery. The one thing I was never concerned about was my surgeon. I knew I had the absolute best DS surgeon that existed, although Rabkin fans may argue the point. I was a virgin DS and per Dr. K, it was quick and easy.  As a revision patient, you really want the best surgeon you can find. How fortunate for you that he is relatively close by. I don't feel like taking 2 planes starting 11:30 pm tonight to get home but it is all worth it to have the best surgeon take care of me. 

As for diet, once you are switched, you will be like any other DS patient so you shouldn't have to worry about any special considerations because of your revision status.  I seem to be tolerating things fairly well this early out although I can't eat much, nor do I feel like eating much anyway. My tastes haven't changed and I can get my fluids down just fine. It is definitely an adjustment but it isn't traumatic - just tiring right now.

Once I get through the hurdle of a red eye flight tonight (well, 2 actually), I can finally relax and not worry about traveling or doctor's appointments or maids coming to clean up the room. I can just do a whole lotta nuthin' for a while and I'm looking forward to that.
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on 11/16/11 7:13 am
You are an inspiration- travelling the country for Dr. K!!! That is an amazing reference. I am so glad I posted here. I wish you a smooth and easy recovery - I will be paying attention to your posts! Very excited for you :)) 
on 11/16/11 11:21 am - OKC, OK
Have a safe trip home.
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on 11/16/11 7:56 pm
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