4 days post op!

on 11/10/11 9:10 am - TX
 Thanks for the well wishes, I'm using my phone cuz I don't have the energy to go to the computer lab which is only 3 doors down from my room!!  I feel awe fil, can't drink as much as I should, hurts to dang bad..... My urine looks like TEA but the may let me go to the. Lodge on post tonite.   I kinda want to go but am really scared because there r stairs.    I have walked a few laps daily but flat walking is different than going to the second story!!    I'm definitely having buyers remorse today!  Thanks for all the. Wishes
on 11/10/11 9:21 am
 you'll feel better soon, babygirl.
you did it! :D

on 11/10/11 10:12 am
Hi TX Mom!

I'm 3 weeks out today and have to say each day gets a little better. The good side, I'm down 20 pounds! The not so good side is the eating, after 3-4 bites I'm really full, I don't know how I can get to the 80 grm protein Dr Rabkin has set for me! Vets here suggested taking the anti nausea meds daily for the first few months, which has helped. Drinking water is about the only thing that tastes good! I'm still really tired by mid afternoon and need to take a nap. My main incision at my belly button is still draining just a tiny bit but are still tender. So, all in all, I can say that some days are better than others, but over time it gets better. The more you get up and move about and climb the stairs, etc, will help in the recovery!

Best of luck!
5'3"; CC length 100 cm    
on 11/10/11 10:59 am, edited 11/9/11 10:59 pm
Tell them you need more pain meds; you are clearly typing far too well! I am so glad you are safe on the other side and I think, doing well aside from discomfort. When I woke up I had an NG tube which was horrrrible. I think we all have something that sucks about first post-op! You will feel better and better every day!
on 11/10/11 11:12 am - OKC, OK
Welcome to the dark side. It will get better,....promise. {{{hugs}}}
SW  257    CW  169  GW  165
Julie B.
on 11/10/11 12:28 pm - OH
I SO understand....I had the DS on 10/31.....Ive had a crappy time! I was squaded back day before yesterday because i was SURE i was having a PE.....severe pain, unable to breathe! 

At 4 days I was having SO much buyers remorse....I kept thinking what the hell have i done....atleast i was functional, fat....but functional...and not EVERY minute was misery. I have had unrelenting nausea. Finally got some zofran and got some fluids at the hospital. I feel a ton better. Unfortunately my J-tube isnt flowing, dunno why, so i've lost that option.

Just keep drinking! I know half of my issue was dehydration. It's an evil spiral. It's a struggle for me too. At this point that is ALL I'm working on. Just getting my fluids in. Everything else will be there in a few days (a week or whatever) when I can get my fluids in.

If you feel like comiserating with anyone, please pop me a message.

SW - 373 / CW - 179 / GW - 160


J G.
on 11/10/11 3:35 pm
Kristi, Good job on the walking.  Keep working on the drinking.  Lots of little tiny sips add up.  Have they done a leak test?  I think I would be worried about steps.....talk to the doc about it.

It will get better!  - Jenny
M. Miller
on 11/10/11 8:18 pm
 Awww.....so sorry you are feeling so bad.   I agree...ask for way more meds, the people I have had conversations with have vell into two categories...ones who had great pain management (read lots of meds) to ones who say they were so so, and most of them attributed the difference to the hospital they were in...so I say ask for more meds!
on 11/10/11 8:31 pm - Somerset, KY
Nice to hear from you, Kristi! You will feel better soon. Take it slow and easy. Sip, walk, rest, repeat! So happy for you!!!



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



on 11/10/11 9:27 pm
it does get better... hang in there!!

      Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says "oh crap! she's up!

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