***Tuesday Bites, Vites & Exercites***

(deactivated member)
on 11/8/11 10:46 pm
I will take m y snacks with me, my nephew who is 4 always asks what I have in my snack pack.. This has been an ongoing thing with my mom. She was in poor health for a long time. Stroke, heartattack, failed kidneys.. but even with all that she was ok and stable. A medical transport van picked her up to take her to dailysis at the end of sept. and didn't buckle her seat belt. when he stopped abruptly she flew out of her seat and landed between the driver and passenger seat. the driver pulled her back to the back of the van and had my nephew who was riding with them, help put her back in her wheelchair and dropped her off at dialysis center, my mom was hurting from fall so we had her transported to ER. they sent her home with a sprained knee... well over the weekend her pain was horrible, so my sister asked if I could come help get her in the car.. I go over and there was no way, we called ambulance they took her to another ER, which did a full Xray and found out she had a broken leg, and blood clots, she was taken into surgery, dr. put in venacava filter, she spent 15 days in hospital, came home for  a week and her toes started turning purple, she had another blockage. well today they are another surgery today to try and save her foot/leg. breaks my heart to know she is going thru all of this because some idiot failed to buckle her up properly.
on 11/9/11 7:24 am - OKC, OK
How horrible. I hope she recovers quickly.
SW  257    CW  169  GW  165
on 11/8/11 10:23 pm
First, Staceann, heed my warning....pack up your protein shakes and eat well even while your mom is in the hospital.

So, TPN is going 12 hrs @ night. I'll need to supplement K I believe, but am going to double check with infusion company. I was very nauseous much of the day yesterday and have had intestinal cramping all night, so not sure what's up...anyway...here's the bites in between the waves...

B-double protein shake
B2- 2 eggs and sausage patty
D-hot dogs & sauerkraut
S-apple & pnb

5'1 HW 298 CW 118

"Making America skinny, one slap atta time!" -Slap Chop Dude

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