One more reason to love hunting!

Twyla S.
on 11/6/11 9:39 pm - Chattanooga, TN
 That's one of my post DS go hunting.  I'm a cheap skate, so if I can fill my freezer up by hunting, I'm all for it!  Of course, that is if they will allow me to have a gun......

 Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself. ~Harvey Fierstein
(deactivated member)
on 11/6/11 10:36 pm - Bayonne, NJ
My step-dad used to hunt, and I miss venison. I'm too much of a city chick to go hunting, but more power to you, wish I could.
on 11/6/11 11:13 pm
LIKE LIKE LIKE!! We do the same it has saved my food bill so much and it tastes better than anything you could buy.. Plus we grow a huge garden, and my hens for eggs.. the only thing I have to buy is milk...only cuz I don't have time for a milk cow!! Glad to see other fellow hunters and ranchers still out there..seems like its an ending  breed unfortunately. People don't seem to realize the value of our agricultural lands and products in our own country..and our right to hunt and own guns... it's pretty sad...
SW 314-- CW 170-- GW 155   HT 5'7"  I love my DS !!
on 11/7/11 1:46 am
It is really nice to see people with similar lifestyles. I just hope we can preserve it. So many laws are popping up and being determined by people who don't even live this lifestyle. It really does hurt us country folk :(
Ms. Cal Culator
on 11/7/11 2:24 am - Tuvalu

I DO NOT have a similar lifestyle, but can't imagine what anyone--especially any carnivore--would have to complain about in your lifestyle.

Thirty-five years ago, friends were complaining about a friend of mine who was a hunter...and how cruel and brutal he they were eating their McDonald's hanburgers.  I asked them if they weren't just paying a hit man to "kill their hamburgers" for them...and they thought about it and decided there was nothing wrong with hunting!'
on 11/7/11 2:44 am

The story you shared is a prime example of closed eyes and open mouth syndrome. lol

Elizabeth N.
on 11/7/11 11:20 pm - Burlington County, NJ
Yeah, it's tragic to see how little Americans know about the industry that keeps them alive, and even worse how little support and respect it's accorded at ALL levels of society. I guess we should just import the majority of our food in order to not "torture" animals or use "chemicals" to grow crops.

MMMMM......Eggs as fresh from the chicken as possible......

on 11/6/11 11:47 pm
I don't hunt, but all the men in my famiy, immediate and extended, do!  They have purposely cut the women out, so that they have their "man-time."

Speaking of memories.....
My dad came home late Friday night from a hunting trip and hung his deer in our garage for the night.  I, a college student with an active social life, was out when he came home that night.  When I walked into the garage in the wee hours of the dark, I walked right into that damn thing hanging. 
on 11/7/11 1:47 am
hahaha i bet that gave you a start! lol
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