OT life sucks part 2

(deactivated member)
on 11/6/11 2:23 am - Lafayette, IN
first let me say thank you to everyone for their support. as if things werent bad enough my sister in law who just had part of a lung removed just had a terrible thing happen to her. she is supposed to be on oxygen at home and the dip**** lit a cigarette with her oxygen on. she had to be lifelined to wishard in indianapolis. the external burns are minor but they had to put her on a ventilator. she and her husband have a 10 year old son with special needs. they have no other local family. her husband works 2 jobs and cant take any more time off of work so their son, robert, is going to be staying with us until she is able to come home and take care of him. i did talk to the landlord. he came and fixed the heat and said he will definitely work with us on the rent. the hospice that was taking care of my husbands aunt is giving us $250 toward the funeral and medicaid is picking up $700. my mother in laws church is giving us $100. we were told we still have to come up with another $500. i am calling our local township trustee tomorrow and see if they will help. i understand that i need to take care of myself and i am really trying. there just doesnt seem to be enough hours in the day. i appreciate the thoughts and prayers.
on 11/6/11 2:31 am - OKC, OK
Thoughts, prayer and critters on the way fore you, your sister and the whole family.
SW  257    CW  169  GW  165
Blank Out
on 11/6/11 4:21 am
 Wow, losing a lung was not enough motivation for your sister to give up smoking????  And, having a10 year old who still needs her?  I just don't get it!  Wow, just wow!

I am sorry for all your trials and tribulations.  They all do seem overwhelming.  I pray you get what you need at this time.  I really feel for this poor 10 year old whose mother seems to have a death wish...  He is lucky to have you!
HW/ 302  SW/287  CW/140  GW/135

on 11/6/11 6:17 am - Provo, UT
I am so sorry that you are going through all of this at once! I'm proud of you that you are able to stay strong and work to manage the situations, instead of curling up and being part of the general problems. You wait and see-- you are going to come out of this so much stronger, and know that you can handle so much more than you ever thought possible.

I really hope that your sister heals quickly. I understand what a powerful addiction cigarettes can be, because I have seen it in my husband, who started smoking 50 years ago, at age 7. In spite of multiple, severe health problems, he has trouble even Wanting to quit!

I really hope you are able to get what you need for your sister's funeral in a timely manner. Did she attend any church when she was alive? If so, they might be a good source of additional funds, or the memorial service might be able to be held in their hall, which would lower the cost. I find myself wishing I could help you, but my finances are about like yours right now.

The main thing is to take really good care of yourself, because you can't help anyone if you are not strong enough to do it. That means that your vitamins have to be remembered, and your protein has to be top of the list EVERY day! Don't think of yourself as one more person to take care of -- think of it as the key to everything else! I'm swinging an assortment of local critters your way, so look out!

               Recovering from the Duodenal Switch~
                HW - 495 / CW - 382 / GW - 175    Joanne B. is my Angel 
Fo' Shizzle My Sizzle
on 11/6/11 11:03 am
I'm swinging critters for ya! I hope everything gets better soon.
For great WLS info join me here weightlosssurgery.proboards.com and here www.dsfacts.com

Diane Davis
on 11/7/11 3:52 pm
Prayers for you and your family!
 My  is Jewels.  Love her very much!            
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