TOLD you wigs were fun :-)

on 11/5/11 2:02 am - Somerset, KY
Love all the wigs! The blue is awesome!!



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



on 11/5/11 3:36 am - Newark, DE
I love them all! The blue is fun and the short one is so *****y!
SW 269    CW 135.6  GW 140    

Elizabeth N.
on 11/5/11 3:45 am - Burlington County, NJ
It's so funny to see how different people respond/react. MANY women love that short one, as well as another very short one I sometimes wear. Men respond more to the longer ones.

I kind of got away from the very red one after one of my professors, a history/political science prof, commented that I had a "Mamie Eisenhower thing going" with that one. Coming from HIM it was a compliment (you kind of had to be there), but it's not quite the image I care to project :-p.

I got another new one the same day as the blue one, all spiral curls. It's going to take  LOTS of finger work to get it to where I want it (they relax some as you work with them), but a pic of that one will show up eventually as well.

on 11/5/11 4:22 am
Hi Elizabeth,

Love the wig fun, this may come in handy for me post-op. I have a feeling that since I shed like a Sheepdog post-pregnancy, I will as well post-op. And I love the lavender shirt, it's very pretty!
Thanks for all you share on this board for all of us, you are one of my "E. F. Huttons" (yes, I am old) - when Elizabeth talks, I listen! You make a difference, and thank you! I haven't commented to you before - but you know, sometimes it's just "time".

Elizabeth N.
on 11/5/11 4:35 am - Burlington County, NJ
Aw thanks, I'm honored :-).

M. Miller
on 11/5/11 7:39 am
 Love the short sassy one too...with the Magenta sweater...looks like so much fun.

on 11/5/11 7:44 am
It was good to see the woman behind the cat.  You look so happy!
Elizabeth N.
on 11/5/11 7:53 am - Burlington County, NJ
Oh, most of those photos are right on my profile :-).

(deactivated member)
on 11/5/11 7:47 am
I really like the short and sassy one. Now its good to put a face with the name.
on 11/5/11 9:57 am - Louisville, KY
DS on 02/27/12
 EN- Hands down, I love the wig where you have your arm extended "Revolution" style.  The blue is quite fun, though!
