How to make the time fly???

(deactivated member)
on 11/3/11 4:06 am - MN
DS on 03/13/12
Ok I need ideas oh now best to make the time fly while I wait and do my once a month visit to the dietican for 6 month deal that the insurance requires.  I know that I only got 4 more months to go of this but it seams like forever, even tho I have been fat FOREVER.  Part of me dont get the whole point of why they make anyone do this long wait and cant miss an appointment deal with a dietican.  Maybe they hope I will give up and say screw it, i dont know.  All I know is that I cant wait for march to get here and then be able to be on my way to losing this damn weight that is just draggin me down.  I think part of me is just frustrated with the wait due to still feeling like utter crap from taking my kids trick or treating.  Not to mention that the first thing I know I will feel when I get up in the morning is sever pain in my foot the minute I step down on it.  I am thankful that I at least have the chance to get surgery even with the hoops I just wi**** was soo  much sooner.
on 11/3/11 5:32 am
My advice would be to read read read and then read some more!! You can never get enough information, or do enough research..  Good Luck!
SW 314-- CW 170-- GW 155   HT 5'7"  I love my DS !!
on 11/3/11 1:16 pm
Revision on 06/21/13
 I used that dreaded wait time to clean the closets and go thru items I needed to sort of and donate or pass onto other family members in between the work schedule. It felt great to know things were organized and in order before my surgery. It also kept my mind and hands busy. 

 Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire
  5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm   



(deactivated member)
on 11/3/11 1:23 pm - MN
DS on 03/13/12
thats a great idea I never thought of going through my closests but when I think about it I have clothes packed away that use to fit that I know I will need to have out and cleaned for once the weight starts to come off.
Sher Bear Mama
on 11/6/11 2:21 am
Hi Smokinstella,

I just wrote a posting just for you.  Let's see how others respond!

Sher--the bear mama

Fo' Shizzle My Sizzle
on 11/6/11 11:08 am, edited 11/6/11 11:08 am
I like the research idea that one of the other posters mentioned.

However, somtimes it leads you to think about the surgery all the time, and it's good to take a break once in a while and relax your poor stressed noggin.

I suggest getting back into one of your hobbies, or maybe pick up a new one that sparks a lot of interest. Something that you can literally spend hours doing and NOT notice the time flying by. I have tons of hobbies, but I've got a high-stress job and not much spare time, so a cheap stress reliever/hobby for me is computer games- particularly ones where you can play a sniper. I line up the crosshairs and pretend the squishy head in the scope is my slave-driver boss. 
For great WLS info join me here and here

(deactivated member)
on 11/6/11 11:51 am - MN
DS on 03/13/12
Oh I play computer games as well I play warcraft almost everyday to kill time along with always reading and researching the surgery, but like others have said that just makes me want it done all the sooner. I really want to be back to being active and walking around museums for hours but the pain in my foot and back makes that impossible. There are so many things I want to do with my kids that I know will be able to once I am on my way down. I cant wait for those days to be here.
Fo' Shizzle My Sizzle
on 11/6/11 12:03 pm, edited 11/6/11 12:03 pm
I'm sorry about your foot and back pain. My knees were starting to give out on me pre-op so I empathize about wanting to be active but the body not willing. Maybe some sit-down activities with the kids? Arts and crafts? Crayons, finger-paints, play-dough?
For great WLS info join me here and here

on 11/6/11 12:33 pm, edited 11/6/11 12:34 pm
Read and educate yourself about the DS and remember that a lot of us had to go through that 6 month diet. It goes faster than you think it will. The good part is that after you jump through all of their hoops they will approve you rather quickly (at least the did me).

GOOD LUCK and do not miss an appointment + make sure that your PCP is coding it as obesity care. If you go for one of your visit and start telling him about your foot or back pain he may code it that way, don't let that happen! I asked my PCP each time how he was coding.

Switched 9/21/2011 By Dr. Inman
HW    368
SW    328
CW    180

GW 180 (or less to get to a normal BMI)






(deactivated member)
on 11/6/11 12:45 pm - MN
DS on 03/13/12
I am doing the dietician visits at the surgeons office so that's not an issue with coding.