Does it bother anyone else....

April M.
on 11/2/11 1:38 pm - MI
that the surgeon's office calculates your weight loss and change in BMI from your surgery weight and not your consult weight or your highest weight (whichever one you are using to keep track yourself)?

I know, for me, I'm damn proud of the 13 pounds I lost the week before surgery... I worked my butt off and I feel like I deserve credit for that weight loss.

But I went in for my 3 month appointment (from my second surgery) yesterday, and I knew I had lost 132 pounds from my high weight, which was at my consult. Even accounting for what I had consumed already, and the weight of clothes (cause, like a lot of SMO people I know, I started weighing in first thing in the morning, after my am poo, and pretty much nekkid)... she was still ignoring the 13 lbs before surgery.

So, I was sad and a little disappointed when the nurse told me my total weight loss was 115 lbs. I kinda wanted to correct her! Anyone else?

~April~                                             5'7" 
       2 Part DS                   BMI: S/C/G    59.3/33.5/24.9   
 Part 1: 3/14/11                HW/SW#1/SW#2/CW/GW      
    Part 2: 7/14/11                  

M. Miller
on 11/2/11 1:43 pm
 You know you lost 132 lbs, you can track your weight loss from any point you want, you can tell whoever you want you have lost 132 lbs,,,,and be damn proud  of it.   I suspect they are recording weight loss due to surgery for studies, stats etc..

on 11/2/11 1:56 pm
I think you need to focus on your health and your great success so far - the 13 lbs and how they are calculated (or not) do not matter in any way whatsoever.

And anyway who cares what the nurse says?  You can calculate however you want.

Elizabeth N.
on 11/2/11 11:04 pm - Burlington County, NJ
Why give a crap about that? Why should "they" be the arbiters of your truth? YOU know you lost more than that. It's your good right to count every single pound. I would have corrected said nurse, too, and *****ed about that policy. But what COUNTS is YOUR reality.

Heather E.
on 11/2/11 11:05 pm
Haha, yes!!  I just had my 18 month appointment yesterday, and experienced that same exasperation when they told me my "total" weight lost.  Blah!!  I want credit for the 16 pounds I lost pre-op, dammit!


HW: 249/ CW: 130/ GW: 140

(deactivated member)
on 11/2/11 11:18 pm
YOU get FULL credit for every pound lost whether medical or surgical.  The surgeon can't take credit for those other pounds, though, so it's his loss (and yours - literally). 

You know the difference is now that you're postop you won't yo-yo and regain those preop pounds lost via diet.  They're gone forever and they DO count!
on 11/2/11 11:21 pm
shmooo shmmmee shmmaawww to her I say... calculate what feels the best for you..who cares what the nurse says, you know what you lost.... CONGRATS BTW..GOOD JOB!!
SW 314-- CW 170-- GW 155   HT 5'7"  I love my DS !!
on 11/2/11 11:27 pm - Somerset, KY
When I tell everyone my weight loss I go from starting weight. If I did it from my highest I'd get to say,144. That'd be awesome but I can't change it now. I just tell them I had lost 11 lbs from my highest before surgery. My big thing with the surgeon's office is the short me an inch in height. I'm not even a quarter an inch under 5'5" and they say I'm 5'4". I say I'm 5'5". So the BMI is a little off. I see them a couple times a year. I go by my scale and my measurements. They can say what ever they want. I know what I know. My dear you have lost 132 lbs. YAY for you and congrats!



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



(deactivated member)
on 11/3/11 12:41 am
Nope, doesn't bother me. I know what the total is and it's not important my doctor knows it as he is going by what the scale says in his office. I have made jokes about their scale is off, but that's as far as it went.
on 11/3/11 8:38 am
It's the same as why they use surgery weights to compile WLS statistics. They are measuring what the surgery did. What you lost on your own prior to surgery has nothing to do with your DS.

Sure, be proud of it and take FULL credit for those pounds. But, that loss has nothing to do with your DS and that is what they are measuring.
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DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"
