Wisdom from a 6 year DS vet
Hey Val, thanks for such a great post, you were such an inspiration to me both pre op and post op. I use your recipes all the time and I always think of you when I see halloween socks as I clearly remember you telling me that you wore them on surgery day!!
Lots of hugs for more successful post op years!!
Yorkie xx
Lots of hugs for more successful post op years!!
Yorkie xx
Had a band in 2005 at 280lbs, had band removed and DS done on Jan 22nd 08 at 220lbs in Spain, now 135lbs and a size 4!! Happy as a Clam!!Dontcha love the DS? It's the best tool around!!
Val, you were always one of my favorite posters and and inspiration on my journey, too. Thanks for sharing!
Duodenal Switch hybrid due to complications.
Click! > DS Documents ~ VitaLady.com ~ DSFacts.com ~ OH DS FB

Click! > DS Documents ~ VitaLady.com ~ DSFacts.com ~ OH DS FB
Beautiful and wonderful--thank you!
Nicole Lab rata data link- One-half of a DS couple! - I'M BELOW GOAL!
http://bit.ly/DSExp After a very rough start it's official--I
my DS! Romans 8:28 
Looking for DS information? Start at http://bit.ly/newDS and DSFacts.com

http://bit.ly/DSExp After a very rough start it's official--I

Looking for DS information? Start at http://bit.ly/newDS and DSFacts.com

Thank you for all the help and smart advice given over the years, I for one have greatly benefited from it. You are one of the first few people who I counted on when I was a newbie and nothing you said failed me, so thank you. Yes, life way too short so live it, thank you. Congrats!!
Thank you for all the help and smart advice given over the years, I for one have greatly benefited from it. You are one of the first few people who I counted on when I was a newbie and nothing you said failed me, so thank you. Yes, life way too short so live it, thank you. Congrats!!
Be Blessed
"Your life becomes the thing you have decided it shall be."
– Raymond Charles Barker

Be Blessed

"Your life becomes the thing you have decided it shall be."
– Raymond Charles Barker