7 Weeks post-op...sorry for the delay

Nurse N.
on 10/26/11 1:43 am
Hello Everyone!

Sorry I'm so late in posting, buyer's remorse had kicked in and I didn't want to deter or scare someone from not getting the DS. Anyways I'm doing ok, not fine yet, just ok. Still struggling with getting the protein down, but I think I finally found a protein that mixes well with coffee. I'm down 45 lbs, in 7 weeks (more than I ever lost with that stupid crapband)!!!! I've found that I'm of course able to fit into some of those things in the closet I just never let go.

I was able to attend my first DS support group last night, and it was phenomenal! I was able to meet some amazing people that are on this board regularly (Chad & Butch), and I also met the celebrity DS'er Brok! LOL He's notorious for the Brok's pizza invention.

My tastebuds of course are all outta wack, I was expecting it as a pre-op, but didn't know how intense this would be. I can only drink water (tap), bottled water is distasteful to me. I've tried all types of juices (sugar-free, light, diet) and it all taste like someone has grinded marshmallows into it. GROSS!!!

Well that's all for now! I'm liking the DS with a strong passion, not quite in love yet (but I know I'll get there).


Nurse Nika

Lapband September 2007------>Revision to Duodenal Switch September 6, 2011


(deactivated member)
on 10/26/11 1:58 am - Lancaster, OH
It's good to see your post!  Glad you can see the big picture, even if you're not fully adjusted to the new intestinal arrangement yet.
Yah, that taste bud thing is a shocker, isn't it?  I was turned off by Breyer's Vanilla ice cream, even, and THAT was the most perfect food on the planet, in my opinion, before surgery.
I drank a lot of broth early out.
Well, keep up the good work....
Nurse N.
on 10/26/11 4:33 am
Thank you so much Caprice! Yes the tastebud thing has been the most biggest shocker!

Blank Out
on 10/26/11 2:40 am
 Totally with Caprice on the Breyers Vanilla!  Super yummy!  But, I digress.  Glad to see you back on here.  I had buyers remorse for the first 3 months, and I had a textbook surgery and recovery!  After month 3, I began to like me DS.  Then, gradually, fell in love with it.  I'm currently 17 months out, and would do it all over again!  Hang in there, it gets loads easier!  I promise!
HW/ 302  SW/287  CW/140  GW/135

Nurse N.
on 10/26/11 4:35 am
Yea, I definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel. I keep reminding myself...this too shall pass!
on 10/26/11 3:27 am - Somerset, KY
So good to hear from you. It will get better hon. I was like that with water at first too. Now water sits like a rock and I can tolerate almost anything bu****er. ONLY sugar free stuff of course. Keep on keepin on girl! You'll be lovin your DS before you know it!!



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



Nurse N.
on 10/26/11 4:37 am
Yea I know I've been a little distant, but just when I got up the nerve to post, I had to switch internet providers. Yea I've tried so many different types of liquid and water is the only thing I can handle right now. Can't wait to post how much I
Janet P.
on 10/26/11 3:35 am
If you're looking for bottled water I remember that the only one that worked for me was Desani.

Welcome to the ride of your life!

Janet in Leesburg
DS 2/25/03
Hazem Elariny

Nurse N.
on 10/26/11 4:39 am
Janet I'll have to try dasani. I've tried...ice mountain, aquafina, kroger brand, spring valley...etc. Yea I'll try Dasani, if not I'll just stick to regular old tap water with the brita water filter.


Blank Out
on 10/26/11 7:07 am
 Desani has ingrediants that cause dehydration, and thirst.  This of course makes you drink more!  Stay away from Desani!!!  I know this info first hand, as it came from the son of the Head of Coke Cola company.  I think it's a lousy tact!
HW/ 302  SW/287  CW/140  GW/135

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