My hair now matches my body
I lopped off 16 inches of my hair here at home this mornng. That will go to Locks of Love. At the hairstylist today, she took off 3-4 inches more styling it.
Now my hair is "fluffy" just like my body!
I cut it so I wouldn't have all that maintanace. It's at my shoulders now and I feel soooo lightheaded. I expected it. It did that the last time I donated. Then I only took off 12 inches. I ike it. It just taked some getting used to.
Their website say they provide wigs to children free of charge or on a sliding scale based on the financial situation. If the family can't afford it, it's free. If the family makes a lot of money, there is probably a charge of some kind. However, I would imagine they probably never are charged full price.