The Travelin' Blues

Diane Davis
on 10/21/11 2:09 pm
Diana, with my just being 2 months out, I'm still attempting to develop a schedule.  I see it's a work in progress for DSer's whenever we have a change in routine.  This makes me feel better.  I'm having difficulty preparing for days when I'm not home and out and running, or driving for extended period of times.

I'm already old, so let's hope this old dog can learn a few new tricks! LOL!
 My  is Jewels.  Love her very much!            
on 10/21/11 4:17 pm
 You're not getting old.  You are just accustomed to your normal schedule.

Let's face it, your normal schedule is pretty wonderful.  So 7 time a year, work interferes.  You'll get through this one too.  Even if heels are required!  Just keep thinking about how great it will be when it's over.  You will appreciate normal life that much more!

See you soon!
(deactivated member)
on 10/21/11 11:13 pm - San Jose, CA
Bah - when I get home, I will be banished to the pool house. While I've been gone, phase 2 of the renovations has begun in earnest - DH demolished our bedroom and bathroom walls to rewire, insulate and re-drywall. He demo'ed the other 2 bedrooms before I left. But he's having trouble finding a replacement electrician willing to work on the side - the one we were using took a job away from the area. But when the project is done, our bedroom will have been transformed into a suite, and the likelihood of a fire from antiquated wiring (spliced illegally by previous owners with Romex) will be decreased. And the cable, phone and sound system wires will be IN the walls rather than stapled to them or taped to the floor. Yay.

In the meantime, my office will also be my bedroom, so I'll have no excuse for not doing my work promptly each day, and I'll be staying out of DH's way. and I won't have to wear shoes at all.

I think we're both going to need a vacation soon.
on 10/22/11 9:52 am
 Remodeling, the gift that keeps on giving.  It just never ends!
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