Help with labs and vitamins pre-op

on 10/19/11 12:27 pm - TX
I hope someone can help. I am still in my pre-op diet phase and had my labs done on my first visit. I will have my second visit tomorrow but got the lab results via mail today.

I was a little shocked since it seems that I am pre-diabetic which I didn't know about. I also have a vitamin D deficiency and my calcium even still in the normal range is kind of on the low side. So i got a prescription for vitamin D and I was told to take calcium 1500 mg in small divided doses everyday.

Does anybody know if I can just go to lets say CVS and buy calcium there and just take it over the day (let's say 3 500mg tablets a day)? Is there anything i need to take into account like not taking it with something else or do i have to take it with food?  I know after surgery that it should be calcium citrate, so should i do the same now?

Sorry if these are stupid questions, i just want to make sure that my labs are as close to normal as possible before surgery and not just take something and then finding out 3 months later that it wasn't helping.

As I said it seems that i am pre-diabetic.  My glucose level ist 175 mg/dl. Additional to that my lipids are as follow:
CHD Risk 7.46
Chol 209 mg/dl
Trig 347 mg/dl
HDL 28
LDL 112

My blood was taken at lunch time and i did have breakfast that morning so it wasn't on an empty stomach.

The nutritionist just sent me the results and told me to get the blood sugar under control with the help of a pcp or diabetis doctor. So I looked those numbers up on the internet and from that and what the nutritionist wrote, I am taking it that I am pre-diabetic and that I am at high risk of getting a heartattach. Am I correct in that?

At the moment I am scrared s****less and just want to know if what i think is correct. I know i need to loose weight and i know i need the surgery. And now i am even more scared. I would be thankful for any help and i hope those are not stupid questions.

(deactivated member)
on 10/19/11 12:40 pm
your questions aren't stupid, so I wouldn't worry about it.
The vitamin D you got as a Rx is D2 so I would get the D3 instead, which is NOT a prescription. Your body has to turn D2 into D3 so it takes a lot of D2 to make the D3. 
Why not go with the D3 right of the batt and that way you are ahead of the game. Look for 5000 IU of D3 and take it at least one every day. I would also take it away from the Calcium.

I would take the calcium citrate to start with, it works. It is good to space it out through out the day. Just make sure you take the right amount of tablets, usually it takes 2 to make a dose.

Your blood sugar will come down if you start staying away from carbs. Many diabetics do that to help control their bloodsugar. So, go with a Atkins type diet until you get the surgery, You'll be suprised how quickly your bloodsugar will come down. I can't tell you about the heart, but those thing don't happen just over night, so I would concentrate on eating low carb and taking all my vitamins.

I hope it all works out for you.
on 10/19/11 12:46 pm - TX
Hi Inge,

thank you so much for your answer. That already makes me feel a little better. I will go and get both of the D Vitamins (the RX and the D3) and the calcium tomorrow and will start reducing the carbs.

Good thing that I still have 3 months to go in the pre-op phase so i can start getting things under control.

Thank you again, i am really thankful
J G.
on 10/19/11 5:01 pm
what Inge said....  Also, are you taking a Centrum, and some iron and Vit C?

here's some links to help: T%20NneHpzZmhkbQ&hl=en GNxcDk2c2c0&hl=en

It good to get the labs done before surgery so that you will have them as a baseline for comparision.  Also a bone scan.

Elizabeth N.
on 10/19/11 9:34 pm - Burlington County, NJ
Sure, you can take calcium that way. Yes, I'd get calcium citrate.

You need to get a fasting glucose done, and you need a hemoglobin A1c test to determine the state of your diabetes. If your blood sugar was 175 and you'd had nothing to eat for at least two hours, the chances are very good that you are diabetic. But you need to get the right tests done to nail this down.

That whole "prediabetes" thing is really a misnomer.

You are at highER risk of a heart attack than a person of normal weight with normal glucose tolerance. You are not necessarily at HIGH risk (yet).

This is good news in that it strengthens your case for insurance that you need WLS.

on 10/21/11 12:04 am - TX
Thank you guys. This really helped. I went to my second weight management appointment yesterday and she basically said the same thing.

I made an appointment with a PCP (who supports WLS) and will get the tests done. I also got my calcium citrate and the vitamin D. I am already taking a multi vitamin and iron.  So I hope to get this under control quickly. I have two more appointments for the weight management and then can submit to the insurance company. The good thing is that as said before that this will hopefully help my case to get a DS. I can't wait.

Now I need to concentrate on staying away from the simple carbs. But i guess that will prepare me for post-op. So not a bad thing either.

Thank you again, I really appreciate it.
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