Show some support for DivaKay (Kenya) - still in the hospital

NoMore B.
on 10/19/11 9:43 am

I spoke to Kenya briefly this evening.  To give you some background, she had her RNY to DS revision with Dr Roslin almost a month ago.  She went home after her surgery, but was admitted back to the hospital with nausea and vomitting.

Last I updaed you, I said Kenya had a small leak and was having a CT scan the next day. The scan showed there was no leak, so either it was never there, or it was small enough to heal in few days time.  She also had colitis which was treated with antibiotics and that's cleared up.

But what she has going on still is the inability to keep anything down.  Roslin has her on TPN and had her trying a graduated diet of all types of things, but she cant keep them down.  CT scan shows fine, and no stricture, so the next step is a scope.  I recall reading awhile back about someone (and I dont know who) that had a revision and said it took some time for their pylorus to "wake up".  I wonder if that's what's going on wtih Kenya.  She's vomitting stuff she ate hours and hours earlier, which doesnt sound right.

Anyway, Kenya hasn't posted lately because she's feeling down and has some buyer's remorse.  She gave me the OK to give you all an update.  She could use some encouragement - it's been a long recovery for her.  I told her that a day would come when she says it was all worth it, but it's hard for her to see that right  now. 

on 10/19/11 9:47 am - OKC, OK
Prayers and swinging my cats for her.
SW  257    CW  169  GW  165
on 10/20/11 8:33 pm
Thanks Gail........................................Kenya
on 10/19/11 10:10 am - ROCKMART, GA
 I am praying for Kenya because I went through something exactly or very similar right after surgery.  I pray that she get better and want her to know that it will get better but it takes time believe me.  I am here for her if she need the support.  
Rockmart Georgia                        
HW: 315 CW: 117 GW:  First goal 150 met 3/23/2012, Second goal 135
on 10/20/11 8:34 pm
Thanks Martina.....................................Kenya
on 10/19/11 10:13 am
Thanks for the updates Joanne.  Oh Kenya everything will work out just fine.  You just hit a stop sign temporally.  Hang on and continue to have faith.  You will be just fine and get better real soon.  A year from now you will be at your goal weight and this will be a thing of the past.  Rest up and keep up your spirits.

on 10/20/11 8:36 pm
I'm keeping the faith just feel like what did I get myself into this time..........................................................Kenya
Lisa A.
on 10/20/11 11:00 pm - Windsor, NY
I felt the exact same way you did. I had such buyers remorse and wondered why I did this to myself. It's hard not to when you were okay before surgery (except obese in my case) but i felt fine otherwise. I was sick each and every day for almost 6 months. I threw up after every meal and was nauseous each and every day.

You still have alot going on with your body and your body needs to heal. This is a HUGE surgery and it plays with not only physically but mentally.

Just work hard to keep yourself hydrated. I barely lived on anything for months. My staple was frozen snapples, ice pops and cottage cheese and baby pears and protein shakes (maybe one a day if I could take it), I really, really concentrated on the hydration. I had to learn how to eat again from baby food on up. It was just like when I raised my kids starting out with baby food and slowly introducting foods. Just listen to your body... you will learn to listen to it.

Having said all that, I am now 18 months out and am doing fine. I feel like I'm always eating. It may not be huge amounts at one time but alot throughout the day. I feel for you. Just hang in there.
(deactivated member)
on 10/19/11 10:17 am
on 10/20/11 8:39 pm
Just waiting for that day also........................Kenya