A Scale

Its a Secret
on 10/18/11 9:05 am, edited 2/10/12 12:27 am
Comment removed because OH violated users privacy by posting pics and posts to FB without the users prior knowledge.

Kayla B.
on 10/18/11 10:04 am, edited 10/18/11 10:05 am - Austin, TX
I didn't have a scale before my DS either.  I was in denial!

I like having a scale now.  It might be your best friend on your best enemy, so try staying away from it to keep from being crazy addicted.  Like--one does not need to weigh themselves 5 times a day.

But, I think for long term weight maintenance, owning a scale is really crucial.

You don't have to spend a lot.  Mine was $20. 

We are talking about weighing YOURSELF, right?  You confused me with the food scale talk.

5'9.5" | HW: 368 | SW: 353 | CW: 155 +/- 5 lbs | Angel to kkanne
Julie R.
on 10/18/11 10:05 am - Ludington, MI
 Not everyone agrees with me, but I stayed off the scale, except for a once a month weigh-in, until I was eight months out.    I have emotional issues with scales, and I knew it would just mess with my mind.  My doctor recommended the same.     I still only weigh in once a month these days.
Julie R - Ludington, Michigan
Duodenal Switch 08/09/06 - Dr. Paul Kemmeter, Grand Rapids, Michigan
HW: 282 - 5'4"
SW: 268
GW: 135
CW: 125

on 10/19/11 5:18 am - Adrian, MN
I weigh once a month too. I got too depressed after gaining 4 pounds in week 4
Lap band 4 years ago. Revised to DS 8-2-11
Twyla S.
on 10/18/11 10:54 am - Chattanooga, TN
 You know what?  I don't think I'm EVER going to buy one.  I haven't had one in years, and see no reason to have one after surgery.  If you vets know of a reason that I should DEFINITELY have one, and there's a good medical reason for it....I MIGHT.

My reasoning is this.....I don't care if I weigh 200 lbs or more, as long as I LOOK thinner, feel better and my clothes have to be replaced every so often.  I don't like the idea of being tied to a scale...waiting and waiting for that next pound to fall off.  I've read so many times on here about people being so upset that they hadn't LOST weight, but their clothes were getting bigger.  Tha'ts my goal.  I want my health back period.  I'll never be Barbie and don't want to be.  I'm a short round woman, and I'll be happy to be a short thin woman.....even if technically I weigh more than I look.  I'm good with that.

Someone asked here while back what they wanted to do most when they lose their weight.  I've decided.  I want to be thin enough to go hunting (sometimes people, sometimes deer....depends on the mood...LOL).  So now I'm all excited about going hunting for deer.  I might have a scale to weigh that now....LOL

 Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself. ~Harvey Fierstein
on 10/18/11 12:52 pm - MI
I do have a scale, but I don't use it. It's in a box pushed way far under the bed where I can't reach it. That said, I have a Wii Fit which occasionally wants to weight me to keep track of my progress. I guess I do that once or twice a month. I almost got on the scale in the gym locker room last week but I resisted the urge.

 I am not like I was before. I thought that nothing would change me. ~Sinead O'Connor
on 10/18/11 1:12 pm - Jackson, MI
A scale is a very personal decision.  I know a lot of people refuse to weigh often.  It's not a necessity.  If you can leave it behind, it may be best you don't get one.

I am scale obsessed.  I weigh everyday, but I always have since I was a child about 8 or 9 .  My mother would weigh me daily.  If my aunts and female cousins were around they would make all of us girls weigh in.  I was the oldest and tallest so I always weighed the most, which resulted in teasing.  When I used to travel for work and could not weigh myself daily, I would use the "pay" scales in public restrooms or the "freight" scales at shippers to weigh myself.  Oh the stories I could tell about the scale.  I hate it but I can't walk away from it.

Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is.  
highest weight 313/ surgery 255 / current 185 / goal 135  Height 5'6"
Janet P.
on 10/18/11 8:02 pm
I never owned a scale until after my DS -- the average scale wouldn't go high enough for my pre-op weight. I bought a scale shortly after my surgery and used it every day. I finally put it away about 3 months ago (I'm almost 9 years post-op).

Some people never weight themselves except at the doctor's office, others weigh every day (that was me). Its a completely personal choice.

I did have a food scale because for me personally I had to teach myself how to eat post-op. I had no idea how much 2 ounces of anything was, but I have learned that over the years as well.

Janet in Leesburg
DS 2/25/03
Hazem Elariny

on 10/19/11 10:50 am
i've never owned a scale, i bought one post op and it wasn't calibrated correctly (it showed me at twenty pounds higher than the day of my surgery i almost fainted) so i returned it and asked me 'why am i buying a scale if i never cared before? i'm fine getting weighed at the docs and abington's bariatric center is a five min drive and i can go there whenever and use their awesome medical scale, everyone is always super friendly.
i'm with the above on this one, i'm a go with the flow person and if i feel healthier and look better then i'm not going to let a number determine my happy. (but it is nice to see how much you lose monthly -25 and a month out woot!)