Three months Lab results - please review

on 10/10/11 6:28 am, edited 10/10/11 6:49 am - GA

Hello Everyone:

These are the results from my 3 months labs.  Even though my vitamin A, D and C are low normal, I am concerned and want to know how much should I increase them.  I am following vitalady's vitamins schedule so I take 100,000 IU for vitamin A, 50,000 of D3 and 2400 of calcium.  My surgeon has not seen this results yet as I have to do the labs with my PCP, still missing a couple but just wanted to know what your opinion is.  I have included the labs before surgery and the normal ranges.  I am also concerned about my TSH levels. Thanks...Ruby

Date 03/30/2011                                                              Date 10/05/2011
Vitamin B1      24     Range 9-44                                   17     Range 9-44
Uric Acid 5.6 Range 2.5-6.7                                           4.4    Range 2.6 – 7.2
Selenium 128 Range 63-160                                        103 Range 63-160
Ionized Calcium 1.09       Range 1.15-1.35                  4.9 Range 4.8-5.6
PTH, INTACT   59    Range 12-88                                   64.3 Range 14-72
Phosphorus 3.4 Range 2.5-4.6                                       3.6 Range 2.7-4.5
Magnesium  2.1 Range 1.8-3.0                                       1.73 Range 1.3-2.10 
FOLATE 14.5 Range > 5.20                                              >24.00 Range >=5.38
Calcium 9.2 Range 8.4-10.2                                              8.6 Range 8.6-10.3
Vitamin D 
                 1,25-DIHYDROXY VITAMIN                               56   Range 18-72 
                  1,25-DIHYDROXYVITAMIN D3                         56                  
                  1,25 DIHYDROXYVITAMIN D2                        = 30                   
Vitamin D, 25-OH, 32 Range >= 30                   25-HYDROXY 31 Range 30-100
Vitamin D, 25-OH, D2 12                                     25-HYDROXY D2 4
Vitamin D, 25-OH, D3 20                                    25-HYDROXY D3 27         

Zinc        75 Range 60-130                                                 84 Range 60-130 

Vitamin A 50 Range 38-98                                                 40 Range 38-98
Vitamin E 
                Alpha Tocophel      14.8                           8.5 Range 5.7-19.9      
                Beta-Gamma-Toco 1.6                            0.6 Range

Elizabeth N.
on 10/10/11 6:50 am - Burlington County, NJ
More B vites!!! That B1 is headed the wrong way and isn't very good to begin with.

I'd double the D and possibly add a sublingual as well. Wayyyy too low for us.

You're taking the Tender A, right? If not, change to that. If you are, kick it up to 150K IU and see how that works.

Are you taking selenium? If not, start. If you are, take more. It should have an impact on your PTH. Add some K-1 too if you aren't taking it already.

How much zinc are you taking?

on 10/10/11 7:22 am - GA
Thanks for the prompt reply.

I am taking Tender A so I will do 150 K from now on.

I think they will repeat the selenium test because the lab made some kind of mistake by submitting it with the wrong tube.

I am already taking Vitamin K-1 1,000mcg; I am taking 92mg of Zinc from Vitalady.  What B1 do you recommend?  I am taking 1 B-50 Complex, B-9 Folic Acid 1,200mcg.  taking the B12 (5000mcg) every other day as it came back high.

Elizabeth N.
on 10/10/11 7:24 am - Burlington County, NJ
I use a Twinlab 100 mg B1 a couple times a week.

on 10/10/11 6:51 am, edited 10/10/11 7:01 am - GA
Adding the other tests that did not fit, this is a very tedius interface...sorry

Vitamin B12 403 Range 180-914                                                  1498 Range 211-911

Ferritin 148  Range 11-307                                                            257.8  Range 10-291

TSH  2.26 Range 0.34-5.6                                                   0.36 Range 0.35-5.50 
on 10/10/11 7:02 am, edited 10/9/11 7:14 pm - GA


Cholesterol 197 Range <200 143 Range 0-199

TRIGLY 117 Range <150 117 Range 0-149

HDL 56 Range 40-59 41 Range 41-89

LDL 118 < 100 79 Range 0-129


WBC 12.1 Range 4.1-10.9 9.4 Range 3.8-10.8

RBC 4.7 Range 4.0-5.2 4.5 Range 3.75-5.00

HGB 12.4 Range 12-16 11.2 Range 11.1 – 14.5

HEMATOCRIT 37 Range 33-51 35.2 Range 32.7-43.5

Patelet 342 Range 150-450 271 Range 163-379

MCV 79 Range 80-100 78.2 Range 81-99 L

MCH 26 Range 26-34 25 Range 26.1-33.9 L

MCHC 33 Range 32-36 31.9 Range 31.8 – 35

RDW 14.5 Range 11.5-14.5 16.8 Range 12.3-16.5 H


Sodium 138 Range 136-145 142 Range 135-145

Potassium 3.5 Range 3.5-5.1 4.2 Range 3.6-5.0

Chloride 98 Range 95-110 103 Range 101-114

CO2 28 Range 24-32 30 Range 21-31

Glucose 89 Range 70-99 86 Range 70-99

BUN 7 Range 7-21 9 Range 8-20
Elizabeth N.
on 10/10/11 7:23 am - Burlington County, NJ
Talk to someone about thyroid stuff ASAP. It's going saggy.

on 10/10/11 8:21 am - GA
Asking a referral from my PCP right now; he doesn't seem concerned but I will insist.

Thank you so much for your help
Elizabeth N.
on 10/10/11 12:10 pm - Burlington County, NJ
I don't know why so many PCPs are lazy bums about the thyroid related things. That annoys me. How sick do you have to get before they do something, KWIM? Can't some of this crap maybe be PREVENTED or caught way early?

Now, I know very little about thyroid issues, having never had any. I'm just spouting off because I'm wondering if you're seeing a trend in that stuff and my thought about trends is SNAG THE BUGGERS before you're totally in the toilet.

on 10/10/11 1:43 pm - GA
 I totally agree with you and I rather be called a hypochondriac than suffer the consequences  later. Thank you so much for your advise.

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