Vites....immediately post op questions??

on 10/8/11 8:19 am - Sedona, AZ
I am sticking with Vitalady for the most part because she has made her self an expert on what we need and has found some of the best products at good prices I believe. She will tell you too that the surgeons really know enough about our nutritional needs, nor do the nutritionists, which I learned. She can answer many of your questions too and is willing to help you. I like that some of hers are very small also. It makes it easier to take mass quantities.

I was overwhelmed at the volume of them and wasn't sure I believed we could possibily need that much at first. But I have worked on it diligently getting myself up to par according to her recommendations, after not even being able to swallow them the first few months. I get my 2nd set of labs this coming week. My 6 month labs werent bad at all. I know we have some stores built up pre-op but I didn't take any preop.

The main thing is to watch the labs and adjust as needed.There are some here who will give you some help with your labs too.
1985 Verticle Banded Gastroplasty to DS revision 2010     sw 280 gw 140 cw 188 hw 360

“If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.?
Winnie the Pooh
Julie B.
on 10/9/11 4:06 am - OH
Thanks! I'll be ordering from Vitalady as well! Less hastle and I know I'm ordering everything I really need.

Thanks again! =)

SW - 373 / CW - 179 / GW - 160


on 10/18/11 10:55 am
Just had my surgery one week ago today. Dr has said no vits right away. I will do my research on vitalady, but isnt it the doctor who will tell us exactly what we need? Why would we ever stray or add to his recommendations?
on 10/18/11 11:49 am - OKC, OK
IMHO, a surgeon is a surgeon and that's his area of expertise. Most surgeons have little or no education in nutrition and supplementation. We have to be our own advocates in those areas.
SW  257    CW  169  GW  165