1 year labs

on 10/4/11 11:49 pm - Forest Lake, MN
Component    Your Value    Standard Range    Units
SODIUM                  140                 135 - 145    mmol/L
POTASSIUM             4.3                  3.5 - 5.1    mmol/L
CHLORIDE               107                 98 - 110    mmol/L
CO2,TOTAL               28                   22 - 32    mmol/L
ANION GAP                  5                    6 - 16    
GLUCOSE                 89                 65 - 100    mg/dL
CALCIUM                 9.2                8.5 - 10.5    mg/dL
BUN                           18                     7 - 25    mg/dL
CREATININE        0.58                0.50 - 1.30    mg/dL
BUN/CREAT RATIO  31                  10 - 20    
GFR                     > 60                         > 60    ml/min/1.73m2
ALBUMIN                4.1                  3.5 - 5.0    g/dL
PROTEIN,TOTAL    6.7                  6.0 - 8.0    g/dL
GLOBULIN              2.6                  2.0 - 3.7    g/dL
A/G RATIO              1.6                  1.0 - 2.0    
BILIRUBIN,TOTAL    0.5                        < 1.6    mg/dL
ALK PHOSPHATASE 74                 34 - 104    IU/L
ALT (SGPT)              25                   10 - 40    IU/L
AST (SGOT)             28                   10 - 42    IU/L
MAGNESIUM           1.8                  1.8 - 2.6    mg/dL
PHOSPHORUS        4.2                  2.5 - 4.7    mg/dL

Component                Your Value    Standard Range    Units
WHITE BLOOD COUNT  9.1                  4.5 - 11.0    thou/cu mm
RED BLOOD COUNT      5.16    4.00 - 5.20    mil/cu mm
HEMOGLOBIN            15.5    12.0 - 16.0    g/dL
HEMATOCRIT          45.4                 33.0 - 51.0    %
MCV                           88                 80 - 100    fL
MCH                           30.0    26.0 - 34.0    pg
MCHC                        34.1    32.0 - 36.0    g/dL
RDW                         19.5    11.5 - 15.5    %
PLATELET COUNT     182    140 - 440    thou/cu mm
MPV                            10.9    6.5 - 11.0    fL

I don't see any vit A,D,E,K, or B's. Do they come later?
on 10/5/11 1:56 am - AL
Thyroid tests?
All the iron markers?

Do you have a list of what was actually ordered?  You have to be able to tell if it wasn't ordered or ordered and not done or if you are just waiting for more results to come in.

Also if you post your supplement program when you post your labs and also if you can put your labs on a spread sheet with all your previous labs those both are very important to help the lab gurus help you out.

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